CH 18: Promises & Probability

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"Why do you care so much?" I emphasised the word 'you' like a cow mooing.

"I don't," he replied with a dimpled genuine smile that I hoped he'd always give me. And only me. That response made me shy my expression away, because I knew deep down he actually did care like I was starting to care for him. And only him.


"You guys seriously got down and dirty on Old Miller's cliff? Scandalous!" Jay exclaimed passing round the mugs to boost our energy for school. That we needed to get to. In an hour. Luckily Jay always knew the remedy to our late night sessions. Loads and loads of coffee and energy drinks and double ups on the concealer for our eye bags. That were very visible. Well for me seeing as I was the one that came home about three hours ago.

"For the millionth time! Nothing happened!" I groaned hiding my face taking gulps of the strong coffee. The aroma itself kept my eyes wide awake.

Replaying back to last nights haze I remember Ryder and I talking oblivious to the rising sun signaling the dawn of a new day. Crazy unimaginable but he wasn't bad company. Even after he attempted to throw me in the water till I threatened to kick his nuts all the way up to his throat. I was lost in that auspicious moment with him. Taking a reality check I realized that Jay's mom would be home anytime soon from her overnight shift at the hospital. It was fun while it lasted. After dropping me off I could barely sleep a wink especially with Jay's snoring. Mainly because I couldn't stop thinking about him either. The change of events were odd. The oddest.

"Let's toast to little Morgan!" Ting's voice chirped as she stumbled down the stairs in her disheveled clothing from last night, mixing herself a glass of orange juice and vodka. Did I mention she was a morning drinker? I probably did since it was that serious of an addiction.

"Wait-what are we toasting to again?" She squinted her eyes, shrugging and then downed the glass anyway.

"What are you doing here?!" Jay exclaimed, "I thought you were in hiding since you know...THE COPS KNEW WHERE YOU WERE DJ-ING LAST NIGHT."

"Don't sweat it. This would be the last place they'd be looking." She munched on a bagel, "besides, you're mom saw me climb in through the window early this morning, so it's all good."

"Okay," Jay widened her eyes cause she didn't want to divulge further into Tingting's complicated life. I was keeping my head down and my mouth shut hoping the topic of my late night expedition had hopefully died out.

"You lost it to a gang banger? That's helluva lot dangerous,even for me." Jay brought the topic back up. "Being in Ryder's presence was revolting, trust me," I deflected.

"Shut up! You and Ryder Haynes from Marco's gang? The Southend city boys?" Ting interjected hoisting herself on top the counter scooting closer to me as if she were waiting for me to reveal juicy details of my first sexual experience.

"Him and his guys are bad news little Morgan. They mix around with the wrong people, people who could easily find out who you are and that you're close to him." I just turned not wanting to listen to anymore of her nonsense. Till she gripped my shoulders with a rare face of seriousness that she hardly put on. "I've been there Shay. It's not a road you wanna go down, so it's better to keep your distance." Jay just nodded in agreement at Ting's wise advice.

"You're both delusional," rolling my eyes and shaking my head I dusted off Ting's word. Grabbing my book bag I couldn't wait to leave so I could return to school- a normal activity in my daily life. "Why the rush Shay? Give us more details about your hot night."

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