"Nope. What do you want to do?" Keith asked, uncertainty weighing on his words. 

"There's not much we can do tonight. I guess tell him to stop for the night and when the rain subsides we will figure out where we need to go," Yugi ran his fingers through his water logged hair and sighed. 

Keith nodded and went to speak to the captain. After a heated discussion, the captain resigned to settle in for the night. With the darkness amplified by the storm, it was almost impossible to navigate anywhere.


"Hey! What the..." a cry awoke the sleeping men. A loud bang followed by a splash ripped the men from their slumber. The storm had subsided; however, watercraft swayed violently in the river despite the stillness surrounding them. 

Keith sat upright, looking over their little boat, "What was that?" He glanced over to the captain who also was sitting up. His eyes darted around the boat, "Where's Yugi?" The blonde franticly searched, "Yugi?" 

Another splash next to the boat drew his attention, "Yugi!" 

Keith dove into the pitch black water. He reached into his pocket for his flashlight, shining it onto the area where the splashing came from. The blonde spotted Yugi struggling to get free from the foliage at the bottom of the river. Yugi's amethyst eyes were wide and filled with terror. The more he struggled the quicker he was running out of oxygen. Keith surfaced for air, taking a large gulp and swam to the boat. He needed something to cut Yugi free with.

"Hand me the knife!" he screamed at the captain, pointing to his bag.

The man handed Keith the large knife the blonde had pointed to. Kieth dove back down first going to Yugi's face; he locked lips with the petite man and breathed into his mouth, refilling Yugi's air supply. Next he worked quickly to cut the vines and plant debris holding Yugi captive. Once the petite leg was free, Keith kicked off from the ground, wrapping his arm around Yugi's waist and pulling him to the surface. Yugi gasped for air; his arms wrapping instinctively around the taller man. Keith pushed Yugi back onto the boat with the help of the captain.

"Shit, Yugi, what happened? How did you get down there?" Keith asked, panting as he held onto the boat.

Yugi coughed up the water in his lungs and gasped for ai,. "I don't know! One minute I was asleep the next minute the boat was rocking out of control and I fell overboard."

Kieth yelled, losing his grip on the side of the boat. He was dragged under the murky waters. Yugi jumped to his feet and peered over the side of the boat.

"Keith!" All Yugi could see in the water was a mixture of black scales and human limbs. His adrenaline kicked in and he grabbed Keith's knife which lay abandoned on the seat. The petite archaeologist dove back into the water without thinking twice. He came face to face with the cold brown eyes of a very large reptile that held Keith's thigh in its vice like jaws. Yugi swam towards the creature, straddling its shoulders. He tried to pry its jaws off of his blonde friend, forgetting entirely about the knife. The reptile eventually loosened its grip on Keith. Yugi dropped the knife as he took the opportunity to wrap his hands around the creature's long snout. /Ra I hope those rumors about crocodiles are true!/ He thought holding the large mouth closed. The crocodile rolled, dazing the amethyst eyed man. Yugi felt someone pull him off of the creature.

"Go help your friend!" The captain ordered, pointing at Keith floating in the water. The crocodile seized the opportunity to strike the captain; closing its jaws around the man's torso.

"No!" Yugi yelled, watching the creature head back into the murky darkness with their captain firmly within its teeth. Yugi swore under his breath and swam over to where Keith's motionless body floated. He turned the man over onto his back and pulled him over to land. He rolled Keith onto his side and pounded on his back. Water spurted from Keith's mouth. The blonde gasped for breath and let out an ear piercing yell.

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