21. Panic. ~ Bellamy Blake

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A/n: This chapter is about the reader experiencing a panic attack. I'm giving a little warning, just in case. 

You sat in the corner of your tent, your knees pulled up to your chest. You rocked back and forth, hugging onto your legs. Tears fell down your face as thoughts swam through your mind. 

Your breathing picked up rapidly, and your world started to spin. You knew what was happening to you in this moment;  a panic attack. There wasn't anything you could do to help yourself, so you suffered through it.

It started from stress, about the grounders' war against The 100 kids, which you happened to be a part of. Then it was overthinking, about the war, obviously, as well as your social relations to the others. And, the last reason is that you felt the slightest bit of self-pity, uselessness.

It was well past nightfall, or so you felt it was. You haven't moved for hours, and you still wept loudly. You were positive people around your tent begged you to stop. 

"Hello?" A male voice whispered at the enterance to your tent, not visable as he was still outside. You didn't answer him, just sat, looking up to the opening. 

The boy opened the tent 'door' and let himself in as his eyes widened at the sight of you. He fell onto his knees beside you, "Oh, Y/N."  He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him.

"B-bellam-y." You managed to mumble between sobs.

"Yes, I'm here. I'm here with you, Y/N." The words werebarely audible as his voice quivered lightly, somewhat like yours.

After a few comforting moments of silence, you spoke up, "Thank you, Bellamy, for calming me down. I- uh- thanks." 

"Of course, honey. I would do anything for you." You felt his smile form against you.

The rest of the night you stayed in the comfort of Bellamy's welcoming grasp, calming down even further as each minute went by.

A/n: I'm back! Sorry about not updating lately, I hope you will understand. This chapter is kind of short, and straight-to-the-point, but maybe you still liked it? 

Thank you so much for over 2K reads! It means the world to me, I can't even explain in words. Thank you.

wc: 376

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