2. What you call him.

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Bell; You are the only person, besides Octavia, that Bellamy allows to call him "Bell". You and him had been friends since diapers, and you even helped him raise O. Bellamy believes that his nickname shows how close you two are, and how much trust he has in you.


Cuddles; Finn loves to cuddle you every chance he gets, so you nicknamed him appropriately. It's simple and sweet, but Finn seems to love it.


Loverboy; You nicknamed Jasper this as a joke when you first came down to Earth. You always saw him flirting with girls, and the name still stuck when you two started dating.


Sweetie; Monty is so innocent and, sweet, that you nicknamed him accordingly, and he seems to love it.


Bad Boy; You came to like John when he came back to camp after banishment. Also, you think of Murphy as a 'handsome brute who makes you weak at the knees' (you said this once, and now he makes you say it when he is needy).

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