14. Wristbands ~ Monty Green

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"I just need a wristband- one that is still functional." Monty spoke from across the room, speaking to the group.

Everyone looked at each others eyes and wrists, no one seeming to have what Monty needs. You looked down, the blinking light of your wristband glowing.

"Monty." You spoke quietly, "You can use mine." You walked toward him, holding your arm out.

He looked at your wrist and said, "Yes! I was starting to think everyone took them off!"

You laughed quietly as he picked up a metal stick. He lodged it between the wired bracelet and your skin. You winced as it shocked you just before popping off.

He smiled, his tounge slightly poking out, before sitting back down and immediately disecting it.

The rest of the group had already climbed down the ladder, leaving you alone with Monty.

You sat down near him, crossing your legs and resting your elbows on your knees, "You really think you can conatct the Ark with that thing?"

"I should be able to, yes." He furrowed his brows together in concentration and moved his face closer tot the wires.

"Good luck, Monty." You smiled sweetly.


You closed your eyes and and rubbed your wrist, wondering if Monty had made any progress.

It was past night-fall now, the sun had disappeared and fires were lit all around camp. Monty hadn't come out of the dropship all day. You decided you should check on him.

"Monty?-" You whisper-yelled as you climbed up the dropship's ladder.

"Y/N?" His eyes shot up, staring into yours from across the room, "I did it! I've made contact with the Ark!"

Your eyes widened and you rushed to his side. He then showed you how he did it, and what type of contact he was able to make.

"Good job, Monty! Everyone will be so relieved!" You kissed his cheek, causing him to blush and smile stupidly.


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