13. Drunk~ John Murphy

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You laughed and stumbled about the patchy grass of camp grounds.

"Heeey-" You slurred to another drunk, who waved back slowly, smiling so widely his eyes couldn't be seen.

You continued your treak, attempting to act sober. Everyone- who wasn't hammered- frowned at you, tired of seeing you like this every other day.

You fell over nothing, your alcohol-infested body thumping against cold, wet dirt.

"Woah- are you okay?" A voice was heard, then a hand picking up your own.

"I-i'm finne-" You yanked your hand away and looked up, and your eyes widened, "John?"

He smiled lightly, deep breaths escaping his mouth and nose.

"I've missed you, Y/N." He held his hands against your shoulders, "What happened to you?"

"You!" You yelled, "I thought I lost you!"


"No!" You kicked and scratched at the guards holding you back.

"John Murphy, you are under arrest for theft of medical supplies." A guard announced, and clamped shackles around your boyfriend's wrists.

"Y/N, it's okay, I love you."

John was being arrested for stealing medicine for your stomach bug.

"Arrest me! He stole for me!"

The guards didn't budge, but they rushed Murphy away and pushed you back.

You slid down the wall, loud sobs escaping your mouth.

"I love you too, Murphy."


"I was only put in the skybox." He pulled you closer, "That's all, baby."

You noticed you were crying and rubbed your eyes, "I became a sappy, no-good drunk, and now you're right here in front of me." You cried into his shoulder.

"I'm back now, Y/N." He smiled lightly, "And I'm not leaving you this time."


You woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, but that was normal for you.

"Morning sunshine." You heard a groggy male voice.

"Ugh- I hooked up with someone again." You thought to yourself, not remembering last night, the said, "It didn't mean anythi-"

"Y/N? You don't remember, do you?"

You turned quickly, and hugged John, last night coming back to you.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Y/N." He said and kissed your forehead.

wc: 334

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