18. Cold ~ Jasper Jordan

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You curled up in your tent, trying to warm up. The fabric that made up the 'roof' sagged down, due to the snow piled on top. Your skin was raised with goose bumps, and you trembled. You never expected Earth to be like this.

"Hey, Y/N." You heard a boy's voice ring from the tent's opening.

"Hey, Jas." You mumbled through chattering teeth, after looking up to your friend.

He sat down next to you, putting his surprisingly warm hands on your shoulders, holding you close to him.

"You're freezing!" He whisper-yelled.

You simply nodded and nuzzled up closer to him. He took his coat off and laid it on you.

"Stay put, try to warm up. I'll be back soon." He kissed your forehead and left you alone.

Why was he acting like this? You asked yourself mentally. Jasper had been on eof your best friends for well- forever. You two were inseparable!

"Okay, Y/N/N," Jasper came back into the tent with at least 10 blankets, "Let's get you warm." He walked over to you and laid you down on the bed before putting the many blankets onto you.

You giggled and poked your head out of your "cacoon", "Well," You noticed him smiling, but shivering lightly, "Come lay with me! You'll get warmed up too!"

He refused at first, claiming you needed to get warm before you got sick, but eventually you won the stupid argument and plopped into the cot with you. You smiled widely and wrapped your arms and legs around him.

"What- are we?" You mumbled quietly, almost hoping he didn't hear the whisper.

"Definitely lovers." He laughed, clearly joking.

You laughed with him for a moment. But before you could stop yourself, you leant up and pushed your lips against his. This moment was amazing, sparks seemed to surge between you and Jasper.

He pulled away after a minute or so, dazed, "Did-- are we?"

"Dating?" You kissed his jaw, "I'd hope so."

A/N: Thank you all for over 1K reads! I appreciate each and every one of you! (Also, 'Y/N/N' means "your nick name" XD)

wc: 339

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