9. Who he's jealous of.

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Murphy; You are Murphy's best friend, and whenever Bell sees you laughing and having a good time with Murphy, he feels as if you like Murphy more.


Bellamy; You are the camp's best shooter, so you automatically spent more time with "King Bellamy". Finn gets jealous because he knows he can't train and/or fight as well as Bellamy could.


Finn; Since you were Raven's best friend, you talked to and about Finn from time to time. Jasper wondered if you talked about him as much as you do Finn.


Jasper; You, Monty and Jasper were all the best of friends. Even though this was completely true, Monty still got jealous of how close you and Jas were, and worried about what you two did while alone.


Monty; You shared Monty's gift of intelligence of science and medicine. You always studied and completed experiments with him, having fun. Murphy gets jealous because he believes that he will never be smart enough to share these types of experiences with you.

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A/n: Hey! Here's a quickie for you guys! Not my best work, but I hope you enjoyed!

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