Deadly nightmares

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"Princess! You need to go into shelter like the rest of the royal family." He tried pushing her off but she growled.
"I'm busy." She pulled me even harder and we trudged down a dark thin room.

"You could have left, and I wouldn't need to do this." She said, looking at the door in front of me.
"You don't have to do anything." I remarked.

"Oh, yes I do." I didn't say anything after that. She pulled me in the room, it was pitch black.

"Do you know why I told you to leave in the first place?" She said coldly. The door slammed shut and I couldn't see anything at this point.
Azula lit her fingers so they were now hot with blue. Her face shadowed with a hint of her flame.

"Because you don't like me. I have no idea why, but all those hints you dropped on me totally gave it away." I said sarcastically with a frown.

"Hm." She shrugged and walked around. I kept my stare strait ahead until I couldn't see her behind me.

Suddenly I saw the blue flame in front of my face and Azula's other hand was gripping my hair. Her nails dug into my head hard.
"Now," she whispered into my ears. Her breath was shaky and her grip was tight. The blue flame danced in front of my face. "You can never ruin my life again." She whispered and started moving her torched finger down to my neck. I whimpered and tried to move out of her grip but her fingers were steal.

"Stop!" I screamed.  "I will leave!"
"To late little Waterbender." Azula's voice broke.

"Stop!" I screamed louder and tried kicking at her, but her metal armor was to thick to do any damage. "Why are doing this! I've done nothing to you!" She paused.

"You have done everything." She whispered and gripped my hair even tighter. "My mother hated me, she adored you, of coarse. She didn't know what was wrong with me but with you." She scoffed. "She loved you like a daughter." My heart was shot with pain.
"Not me though." Her voice was braking down and I could tell she was crying.
Her grip loosened and her flame extinguished.

I looked around quickly trying to find any source of escape. "That had nothing to do with me, and your mother did love you-"
"It had everything to do with you!" She slammed her fist on the wall.
I was not free to do what ever. Leave, attack, that is if she didn't notice soon enough.

But instead of that, I stayed still and watched her. The moons glow was filling the room with light and I could see her tears and her shaky hands. Her forehead was against the wall.
I still didn't understand why she hated me so much. She thinks her mom loved me more but... But what?

"Azula what is wrong?" I whispered calmly.
She let out a quick sob and I could tell she was trying to keep it in.
She didn't say anything, and it stayed that way for a minute. But I didn't want to push her so I stayed just as quiet.

"I killed her." She said so softly I could barely hear. My mouth dropped open and my eyes started watering. Azula smirked and sobbed at the same time.
"Ever since you got here!" She started getting louder. I backed up to the wall, Azula was unraveling.

Fire lady Ursa was tattooed on the inside of my eye lids. Her warm smile gave me such a comfort, only she could.

And Azula took it away.

"You have done nothing but take my place." She looked at the floor. I looked back to when I first got to the palace. Azula already disliked me then, and she was always out to get me when it came to my waterbending. But I never thought about it.

"You were the perfect daughter, best friend to my brother and even that idiot fell in love with you. My father was the only one who didn't worship you, and even he only liked me because of my power. Mai and Ty Lee have betrayed me for that excuse of a prince." I guess I wasn't there for that.

"I have no one." She looked to her feet very slowly. My heart hurt at the fact that she blamed all her life falters on me, 19 years.
I tried to step closer but all of a sudden she grabbed out at me and put her arm around my neck. I gasped from surprise.

"Now I will end my suffering. Right. Now." She started pulling on my neck and I screamed out in pain.

Then she was thrown to the floor quickly. But I didn't move.
A flash of orange yellow moved arose the room and right on Azula's face.
Zuko pressed his hand on her face and it lit up in flames.
Azula's screams could be heard from miles.

I backed against the wall and closed my eyes shut. Then with a quick movement I took some water from the air and froze her hands and feet together. I was afraid she would melt through it but she was to focused on the marred skin of her face.

Zuko growled yanked her head up. "Doesn't feel so good." And he slammed her head on the ground making her body collapse like a rag doll.

He ran over to me and sat in front of me. "Your okay." He pulled me close to his body and held me tight.
"Zuko!" My eyes slipped tears. "I love you." I whispered into his neck. He gripped me tighter.
"I love you too." He said and pulled back. His eyes starred into mine and I leaned in quickly and kissed him. He closed his eyes and brought his hand to the back of my head.
When his lips moved down to my jaw I could see Azula's ragged body on the floor.
"What are we going to do now?" I said. He stopped and looked me in the eye.

"I know what I'm doing."

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