Taken to defeat

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"So Katara, how is the prince." Toph said shuffling with her clothes. I tilted my head.
"He's fine I guess." Toph picked up a small hair clip, one that ba longed to Suki.
The sight of it made my stomach curl. Toph sighed and slipped the clip into her pocket.

Sokka approached our bed. "Hey Katara, Haru just told me about your escape plan that you apparently made with him and Toph a couple days ago or something. I thought you said that you had a lot of unfinished things to attend to." He raised a eyebrow.
I helped Toph up from the bed and we both started walking to the shower. Sokka followed behind.

"I was just being ridiculous, and I was angry." The thought of Azula made my face burn. I remember, Suki was gone and the knife was stabbed into my bed. I wanted to leave so bad, this place wasn't my home, but Zuko changed that quickly. The feeling of his love drew me in, and now I can't leave.
My thoughts went back to Azula. She hasn't called me up in a while.
What is she up to now?

"Well how about we hatch the escape plan now, I need to get home anyway to dad. Besides little sis you haven't been in you room for 11 years!" Sokka said.

"I can't leave, you can go home but I'm staying here." I stood in front of a sink and started braiding my hair.

"Don't be ridiculous Katara. Dad misses you, I missed you. Our village misses you Katara. And I'm not leaving with out you." I sighed.

"Sokka I have to go to work, stay here with Toph and don't do anything stupid." Toph glanced up at Sokka quickly then walked to my side.

"I have to go to work too, I have people to order around." She said smugly folding her arms in front of her.
"Fine, Sokka go with her." Sokka pouted and started following Toph back to the bed.

I left the quarters and started making my way through the halls, dusting and Shifting paintings and chairs. I made it to the main dining room.
The room was very tall and wide, and in the center was a long table, that held Mai and Zuko. They didn't pay much attention to me. The Royal family was used to having servants come in and out. Not to mention they were surrounding the walls ready to give the next course or take a order. I slowly made my way to Toph and Sokka.
Toph held a plate with a fancy small piece that was most likely spicy.
"Hey." I said softly. "How long have they been at it?" I skied looking at the table. My eyes wondered on Zuko who hasn't noticed me yet.

"Maybe 30 minutes." Toph said.
Sokka noticed me talking.
"Hey I thought you were 'working'" he said a little to loudly. I glared at him and looked back at Zuko and Mai who were now starring at us.

I smiled nervously and pressed my back against the wall. Mai growled and motioned a servant forward. A young girl stepped forward and walked to the long table.
Mai leaned over to whisper in her ear. The girl nodded quickly and ran out.
Mai smiled and continued eating. Zuko frowned.

I could hear a little bit of the conversation, but I was to far away to hear everything.
"What was that for?" I heard Zuko. Mai answered back but she was to quiet.
But if I tried reading her lips it looked like she said nothing much.
Or something like that.

"Okay." He said skeptically. He looked over in my direction and smiled.
I smiled back and I could see Sokka run a finger across his neck saying I will kill you.

Zuko cringed and went back to focusing on Mai.
I sighed and leaned against the wall.
"Do you here that?" Toph said. Then the door creaked open, a guard stepped in and read a piece of paper.

"Katara's presents is required by the princess." I raised my eyebrows and slowly walked to the door.
Princess. Been a while, hasn't it. Well not really, but still.

I walked out of the dining hall to see the princess smirking.
"Follow me." She said and walked down the dark halls.

I looked back at the door, then quickly followed in the princesses trail.

When I caught up to her, Azula's eyes stayed strait forward and her expression was stone. "Katara, do you know why I called for you." I thought back to when Mai ordered the younger servant out of the dining room.

"Because Mai wanted me out of her way?" I said sarcastically.
Azula huffed, "she is not the only one." She said calm and collective.

I rolled my eyes, "then what is it you need me for?" Azula tilted her head you could hear her neck crack.

"I want to make a deal." She furrowed her eyebrows. "Well I wouldn't call it a deal exactly considering the penalty you will receive if you disagree." She paused. "But you wouldn't disagree even if I didn't state a death threat." I growled.

"Want to bet?" I balled my fist.
Azula smirked. "One thing I know about you Katara, is that you are for the people. That will not lack now." We approached a metal door.

"First of all you have to agree to the deal." She leaned against the door.

I scoffed, "okay what is it." Azula tapped her finger on the door.
"You have to agree before I show you anything." She made her point. Apparently.
I don't know if I can trust her enough to know this is something I would want to mess with. "Time is running out, I won't wait any longer."
What to do!
I will regret this. "Fine. I agree." Azula smiled and unlocked the door.

"I will give you what you want if you give me what I want." She shoved the door open. It was extremely dark but on the ground laid a prisoner, a girl.
The girl looked scared and shaky from lack of food, but when she looked at me she stopped with wide eyes. Tears started forming.

"Kat?" Her voice was very week and raspy. I nodded very slowly and to the point where you could barely see it move.
I fell on my knees and brought the girl into a hug.
"I missed you Suki."
Suki whimpered as tears were falling down her face.

"Now this is your move Katara. Give me what I want." I almost forgot about Azula behind me.
"And what might that be." Azula kept a strait face and waited a second.

"Get out." She said quietly. "Leave, you have caused me so much pain, I need you gone!" She ended up screaming and shaking with anger. I pulled back. Azula looked like she was on the edge of tears.

"Get away from me!" Azula started to stumble, like she didn't know where to go, but she made her wait out of the room and out of sight.

I took large deep breaths. Suki was pale and delicate. "Are you okay? What did she do to you?" Suki say up and leaned against the cold wall.

"I came back early one day, and Azula was waiting for me. She told me I needed to come with her." She paused and looked down at her feet.
"She threw me in here and barely gave me water, let alone food."

I sighed and stood up pulling Suki with me.
"Well Suki, I can tell you this." I paused. Hurt burst through my chest. "It won't get easier from here." I slung her arm around my shoulder and started dragging her out of the room. "Because we are going to the Southern WaterTribe."

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