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After I pulled Suki back to the quarters, I headed for Zuko's room. I had good news for him and bad news.

It felt so nice to have my life long best friend back, but now I have to leave my other life long best friend.
I walked into Zuko's room. He was taking off his robes, I could still see small scares on his back.
I looked at the floor with sad eyes. "Katara." He noticed me near the door and slowly walked my way over.

"What's wrong?" He tried pulling my chin up. "I promise, Mai and I didn't do anything. My feeling have not changed and-" I held up my index finger.

"Suki is safe down in the quarters, I made a deal with Azula." My hand fell to my side.

"Careful with her Katara, she tricky."
"I don't think it's a trick right now." I remember Azula almost crying when she left the small prison room. She looked heartbroken, something that I thought Azula was incapable of feeling.
"But this deal came with a price." He growls, not pleased I agreed to this.

"She needs to leave you alone." I shook my head.

"She isn't going to do something terrible to me, but she is making me do something, that I'm not sure you will like."

"What?" He turned away from me.

"I'm going back home. She told me to leave." And I'm not sure how I'm going to do it.
Zuko put his face in his hands.
I walked closer and pulled his hand away.
"Do you want to go?" I don't answer. This was getting harder and harder, and I don't know how much longer I can hold it off. In a way I was kind of relieved when Azula told me to leave. I wouldn't have to take orders from anyone, and I could go back home to see my dad. And maybe live together with my family. But I also had created a life with Zuko, someone I have known ever since I've gotten here. Someone who has cared about me through the whole thing even if I didn't feel the same. And it took me 11 years to realize my mistake. Because what I have for him, isn't going away.
I sighed and looked to the floor.

He looked at my eyes and walked closer. "I need to know. Please." But I can't answer.
I shifted so I could look up to see his face. He looked worried.

"You want to go home?"
"In a way, yes." He looked down. "But in a way no." He rolled his eyes and almost smiled.
"Katara please , your going to have to be a little more specific."

"We both know I can't do that." I put my hand on his neck and started pulling down to my lips. He laughed quietly before our lips touched.
He parted his lips only to pull away quickly. "Katara, tell me." I leaned up to kiss him again. My hand the moved up to his longish black hair.

He sounded like he was starting to get angry. He pulled back again "you told me you would stay with me." He looked down in my eyes, his thumb caressed my cheek.
"But I understand if you are going to leave."

"I don't have a choice."

Hey guys! I just want to give a shout out to ivorymira for being my editor for this story, I think she is doing a great job catching all of my mistakes 😂

I hope you guys are liking the story so far, likes and comments are greatly appreciated. This story is probably my favorite of all the ones I wrote, (especially since it doesn't have a bunch of mistakes) but I have an announcement.
I will be writing a new Zutara story! Very soon after I finish this (yes, that means this is going to come to an end pretty soon) and I am super excited for it! I hope you are too.
So just hang in there, and it will come :)
Thank you again ivorymira and every one who has hung along with my story, love you guys

Also so shout out to FictionFreak2020 and nikkiski_
So give all three of them a follow and read their Zutara stories!

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