Chapter 44

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It's about 11pm, and I'm really tired, but I don't want to fall asleep.

Hayes is till up too.

I decide to put in my earbuds and listen to one Directions new album midnight memories!

After a couple minutes, I fall asleep on Hayes shoulder.


"Gianna, wake up, we're here." Hayes says

"Yay!" I say, jumping out of the car. I just the realized it was 4 in the morning.

"Ok guys, Chloe left a key under the door mat, grab that and your bags and get settled into the living room." Mom says

*chloe is Jenna and Jerry's mom!*

We do as Mom says and get settled into the living room, while she sleeps in the den.

"Are you happy to be here?" Hayes asks, lying down next to me.

"Yup." I say yawning.

"Goodnight G." Hayes says pulling me into his chest.

"Goodnight Hayes." And with that, I fall asleep in Hayes arms.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up 2 hours later.

Everyone else was still sleeping, except me and Hayes.

"Hey Hayes, wanna go grab some grub?" I ask in a manly voice

"Let's get our chow on girl!" He says in a high pitched girly voice

We both laugh at our stupidness!

We decide to have Lucky charms, but we mostly just ate the marshmallows! I mean, who doesn't right?

After about an hour, I see Jenna and Jerry rush downstairs.

"GIANNA!" They both scream, and attack me with hugs

"Hey guys!" I say hugging them back

"You guys remember Hayes, don't you?" I say

"What's up bro?" Jerry says to Hayes, giving him a manly hug.

We all burst out laughing!

"Hi Hayes!" Jenna says waving at him with a smile.

"Hey." Hayes says waving back.

"So Gianna, when I get back from school, we go over Allison's." Jenna says

"What happened to her?" I ask panicking.

"Tony happened." Jenna says really angry.

"I knew it! He was a jerk from when I first met him back home!" I say

"Right! Well, we got to get going! Bye!" Jenna and Jerry say

"Can we walk with you guys! I'd love to see the old place! Our school burned down, so we wait till 8th grade!" I say

"True!" Hayes says

"Sure! Let's go!" Jerry says

The school is only 4 minutes away. I regconize the senary around me. How I miss this place! All my friends, my family, but know I have a life in North Carolina!

"Oh my!" I say when I see the school

"I know it sounds crazy, but I really miss this place!" I say

"It's not the same without you G! You brought happiness to the school, now everyone's always sad and mopey!" Jerry says

"Except a couple people, but there the stupid populars." Jenna says

Moving in with the Griers ( Hayes Grier fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now