Chapter 42

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I can't believe Gianna is in a coma.

All the sudden I see My mom and Genny burst in the room, both in tears

"Oh! My baby!" Genny says

A second later Nash, Will, and Skylynn come in too, there in tears too.

"Why is Gianna sleeping?" Skylynn asks

"Listen sweetie," mom say bending down to her height.

"Gianna's in a coma, she might not wake up for a while."

"WHAT?" Sky screams, starting to cry.

This is terrible. Gianna's in a coma.

My bestfriend is in a coma. She can't leave me! I love her to much!

"Ok guys, we should get going." Mom says still crying.

"Can I stay with her tonight?" I ask

"Sure sweetie, be careful." Mom says

With that, they leave.


It's around 10pm now, so I decide to go to bed.

"Listen Gianna, I know you want hear me, but I really need you to wake up, ok? You can't leave me, I need you. We've had so many good times, and even more good times to come, we've been together for almost 3 months now! I need you to wake up, I Love You." I say to Gianna

I know she can't hear me, but I felt good letting it out. I fall asleep, worrying about Gianna, if she will ever wake up.

~The Next Morning~

I wake up to a doctor shaking me gently.

"Oh, sorry." I say, standing up

"It's ok. But I want to tell you some things about Gianna." Doc says

"Ok." I say calmly, but I'm really worrying on the inside.

"Listen, um..."

"Hayes." I say

"Ok, listen Hayes, there is some stuff that you don't know about Gianna, that she never told anyone. When she was 10, she got a major head concussion. Right where the baseball hit, was around where the soccer ball hit 3 years ago. If she does not wake up soon, she may not live." Doc says

"W-what?" I choke out

"I'm very sorry, but there is a 99% chance that she will survive." He says

"T-thank you." I say

After the doctor leaves, I start to bawl crying.

"Why! Why did this have to happen to me?" I say

"Hayes?" Someone says

I look to see Genny, Nash, and Sky.

"Oh, h-hi guys." I say

"What's wrong??" Genny says getting worried.

"The baseball hit here head where t-the soccer ball did. I-if she doesn't w-wake up in a couple days, s-she m-might, well,"

"D-die?" Genny asks, tears escaping her eyes.

I nod my head sadly

"No no no!" She says, starting to bawl.

"She can't die!" Sky says

"She's not going to Sky, Gianna's a strong and brave girl." Nash says, trying his hardest to not cry.

"Doc says she has a 99% chance of living." I say

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