Chapter 17: Making It Back

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"When did he leave?"

"He's halfway to the City by now," Carla said, a scowl appearing on Maria's face. "He must've left during the night sometime; he's nearing one of Vic's alerts so he's out of our reach now."

Without a word Maria left the room, storming down to the dungeons; Chris had been down there the previous night so she needed to make sure that Matt was still down there or else there was going to be a very big problem. She flung the door open, going down the steps and into the darkness.

Matt looked over upon the disruption to his peace and quiet as Maria halted at the cell bars.

"Well, I'm surprised he left you down here," she said, Matt back to his original position of head down and eyes closed. "Thought he would've come down here to get you before he left for good; he's halfway to the City by now apparently."

"Let's hope he dies on the way, hey?" Matt said bitterly.

An amused smile crossed Maria's face as she shifted to lean against the bars.

"Did he promise to take you with him?" she asked, Matt staying silent; he knew not to buy into her mind games. "Oh, did I hit a sensitive spot Shadows?"

"If you're gonna kill me, just fucking do it," Matt growled, sick of being locked down in the dark. "This' gone too far Maria; just fucking kill me and then you can go and do whatever you want without me in your way any longer."

"I'm not going to kill you just yet; you haven't told me where my journals are."

Matt looked to her now, Maria not quite able to see the look on his face due to the darkness.

"Well my dear Maria, you missed your chance to get one of the journals last night," he said, a bit of superiority in his voice which made Maria frown. Matt laughed, clearly seeing the expression on her face. "You're an idiot; you mean to tell me that you didn't search Chris when you grabbed him? You stupid bitch."

Maria growled in annoyance, grabbing the cell keys from her pocket and unlocking the door. Matt laughed as Maria stormed over to him, kneeling down in front of him; she grabbed him around the throat, pushing his head back against the wall hard.

"How dare you speak to me like that; how dare you call me that," Maria snapped, keeping a rather firm grip around Matt's throat. "If you're not careful with what you say, you won't ever be seeing your friends again; I considered letting you out after you told me where those journals are, but I might have to reconsider."

A bitter look crossed Matt's face as he looked her dead in the eye.

"You've lost Maria; fuck you," he sneered, Maria glaring at him as she kept the grip around his throat. "Once Chris gets back to the City and once they figure out why I gave them that address before you grabbed me, you're as good as dead bitch. You won't ever know where those journals are, but they already do; they just don't know it yet."


"An alert's gone off," Vic said urgently, appearing next to Gates and Ash who were currently in the arena with Jacoby; Ash had wanted to go over some more things with her ability. "Can you three go and check it out? We're down on people at the moment and you three can get there fast with the proper defences."

Gates gave a nod, Ash and Jacoby not disagreeing. Vic nodded in agreement before running off to take care of something else; he was very busy lately. Jacoby looked at Gates and Ash before taking his phone out and checking something.

"Shows up on here in case you're wondering," he said in response to Ash's silent question. "Just checking the location so I know where we're going; by the looks of it there's just one person to worry about."

The Iron Army (#3 to 'Motionless in Wonderland')Where stories live. Discover now