Middle of the night??

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I woke up to someone having their arms around me and it was still dark outside. I turned around and saw Randy fucking Orton! Why would he go over to my room to sleep with me he is such a creep well a smaller one than Dolph.

I got out of the grip of his muscular body (that is hot I have to admit) and picked him up. I took him to Dolph's bed and made them cuddle! I made sure to wake Jon up so he can enjoy the funny view aswell. Jon and I took buckets of ice cold water and walked into Dolph's room. We tried not to wake them up as we silently laughed to ourselves. Then I got a idea to film them! I went to find someone else who I kinda made friends with and that is AJ Lee. We made her film them two hugging and then it happend.

Aj turned the lights on whilst filming and Jon and I poured the buckets of ice cold water on them!


"OMG why are you sleeping with Dolph in the same bed!! HA GAYY!!" that got them really mad.

After they jumped up because it was cold, the started to chase after me but left Jon alone how not fair. Aj was still recording this on my phone. I quickly ran around the rooms and behind Jon hugging his arm for protection.

"Why the fuck would you do that to me?!" Randy is kinda mad. By kinda i mean really mad.

"Cuz you crawled into my bed without asking you douche!" Jon just stood infront of me all the time.

"What about me?!" oh Dolph the little accident.

"What happened at work today yeah I'm NOT a stripper!!"

They just stormed out of the room whilst us three were laughing our butts off. This was great I can't believe we got them. If Randy thinks that it's that easy to have sex with me then he is mistaken. Aj stopped filming and gave me my phone then walked out to her room. It still was the middle of the night so Dolph and Randy slept on the two couches so I had to share.

"Nixx I think that we will have to share a bed..."

"It's all good Ambrose I would rather share with you than those two or anyone else."

So we went to sleep in my cosey bed with his arms wrapped protectively around my slim body whilst I was sleeping on his muscular, built chest. And peacefully we went to sleep.

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