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sexuality is fluid you can kiss someone of the same gender if you're straight and you can kiss someone of the opposite gender if you're gay sexuality is fluid you can kiss someone of the same gender if you're straight and you can kiss someone of the opposite gender if you're gay sexuality is fluid you can kiss someone of the same gender if you're straight and you can kiss someone of the opposite gender if you're gay sexuality is fluid you can kiss someone of the same gender if you're straight and you can kiss someone of the opposite gender if you're gay sexuality is fluid you can kiss someone of the same gender if you're straight and you can kiss someone of the opposite gender if you're gay sexuality is fluid you can kiss someone of the same gender if you're straight and you can kiss someone of the opposite gender if you're gay

..and it won't make a difference!!!!!!

because sexuality is fluid you can kiss someone of the same gender if you're straight and you can kiss someone of the opposite gender if you're gay

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