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I didn't do it. I didn't tell him.

Not because I chickened out. Because new developments arrived, and I think it was the best thing to do.

and I'm kinda disappointed in myself, but I realized. he said he'll text me over the break. My mind ran through the possibilities. If I tell him, what if I ruin it, and we won't text? Getting to know him is more important than telling him.

But he said he'll text me over the break. Which means I'll get to know him more, which means I'll be more comfortable around him.

Either way, he's still adorable. I'm thinking of actually watching filthy frank just so I can understand what he's saying (and if not for him, for em)

Right now, I'm in uncharted territory. I have no plan, I have no idea what to do. I'm going to wait for him to text me. And we'll see from there.

Hopefully all goes well.

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