Wattpad Assigned Contest Thingie (That I stupidly misread the due date one heh)

Start from the beginning

Vic led Kellin over to the edge where he sat down. Kellin joined him and laid back, looking at the stars. Vic started pointing out all of his favorites. Take a look up to the sky, he said then smiled his brilliant smile. I hope you like the stars I stole for you.

Kellin turned his head to look at him, puzzled. "A thousand stars burning in the sky up overhead," he said. "How the hell did you ever pick me?" He scoffed, turning his eyes back to the night. "Honestly."

Vic looked up at the stars, also; answering as if it was the simplest thing he'd ever been asked. 'Cause without you there's no me.

They sat in silence for a long time, lost in thought. Finally, after what seemed like ages, Vic broke the silence, This love was out of control, he said in a low voice filled with sadness. Tell me, where did it go?

Kellin looked over and his view of Vic suddenly changed to something bloody, gory. A splatter of red painted Vic's face and Kellin had to turn away. He closed his eyes and focused on the question. Where had their love gone? How could things have ended up the way they had? "I don't wanna be alone," he admitted at last, not entirely answering the question. It was the only thing he could think of to say.

I've been here so long, Vic said, almost accusingly and again the gory scene was back, Vic's blood-filled hair gently moving in the breeze. Kellin didn't see. When he turned to him Vic refused to meet his eyes, the immaculate vision of him back into its rightful place. But it changed again.

Vic's eyes turned red, blood pouring out in a deluge of regret. It filled up the ground, the very air they were breathing until it was suffocating the forest. The whole world. Everything you've done . . . Vic's voice trailed off with the wind, carrying out to let everyone know. When it disappeared the blood crept back into the places where it had seeped out of. Everything returned to normal as if nothing was wrong. The world knew it was Kellin's fault. Vic had seen to that.

Anger swelled in Kellin's stomach and he sat up, "You don't know shit!" he spat, growing defensive. He threw a rock over the edge of the cliff, watching as it splashed into the water noiselessly. "Don't know a god damned thing about me!"

I never meant to hurt you, Vic said softly, placing one arm behind his head to make himself more comfortable; oblivious to Kellin's emotion, I only meant to do this to myself.

Kellin laid back as well, sighing, "Hell is so close to heaven." If Vic wanted to save his morality with stupid lies then Kellin would fight back with the fitting metaphors.

Vic finally turned to look at him, Please don't take this out on me, he whispered, 'cause you're the only thing that's keeping me alive. Kellin just scoffed and Vic shifted so that he was propped up on one elbow, I'm going crazy! he yelled suddenly, the words echoing against the walls Kellin had put up to protect himself. The thought of you is no fucking fun. Vic flopped back down onto his back with a heavy and anger filled sigh.

"I tried my best," Kellin pleaded, thinking about how much he'd put into their relationship. And how little it had paid off. "I don't wanna take your precious time but you turned into a pretty big waste."

If you wanted to set me free why the fuck wouldn't you say something? Vic was suddenly on his feet in a rage, wondering how long Kellin would have let their relationship go on if Vic had never spoken. Kellin rose, too, but with less fire. Vic had tears in his eyes, angry tears, My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me!

Kellin took a step forward, anger surging through him, "FUCK YOU AND YOUR DECISIONS!" he screamed, heaving in breaths around his rage. Finally, he calmed a bit, balling his hands into fists. "It's not that hard to feel so small," he said, quieter. He glared at Vic harshly, crossing his arms protectively over his chest. "So go to hell," he barked out. "Kick me when I'm down."

Kellin turned around and looked out into the ocean a gust of wind tugging his hair out of his face conveniently so that he could enjoy the view.

Kellin was the weaker one. The damaged boy who'd had a terrible past. He was the one who's parents beat him. He was the one who'd been fucked over by all of his relationships. He was the one who was depressed and suicidal. Not Vic. So what the hell went wrong?

When he turned back around the ground before him was covered in the same harsh red markings as before. The one's he'd found in that very spot three days after Vic had gone missing. By the time you're hearing this I'll already be gone, the words spelled out.

The stain of Vic's heart was clearly visible, the outline of the actual thing less than faint in the vivid hallucination. Nothing could change what Kellin had done. Nothing could heal the wound he'd inflicted on Vic. He couldn't take back his words. Even in the middle of a daydream. Nothing could erase death. Vic's last words to him appeared in a deep crimson without any warning, dripping down the slight slope leading up to the top of the cliff, Hold my heart, he'd said. It's beating for you anyways.

With a last gust of wind breezing over him, Kellin fell to his knees.

And he shattered.

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