Part 1

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The club is loud, the pounding of the base too much even for the young men just beginning to walk in. They are here to celebrate one of their best friend's birthdays, the young man finally turning of drinking age. He had been looking forward to this moment for a while now. His friends could no longer make fun of him by saying that he is the baby of the group. He is an adult now, or at least that's what his i.d. card says.

"To Jungkook! The not-so-little, little kid!"

He scowls at the toast, nevertheless raising his beer along with his hyungs. The alcohol burns his throat slightly, the feeling unfamiliar to the young man. Sure, he's drunk alcohol before, but it had never been a lot. His head spins as he and his friends take shot after shot of the strangely addicting beverages, their voices getting progressively louder the longer they stay out.

That's when they hit the dance floor, drinks in hand. They dance with each other in their weird mood, not wanting girls to slow them down. From Jin's elbow dance to Jimin's popping they all display their different levels of experience, not a care in the world for everyone around them.

"Can I cut in?"

They all stop, staring at the first girl that was brave enough to even consider interrupting their tight circle of flailing bodies. They hadn't wanted any girls to bother them on this special night, but they find themselves wanting to make an exception;

This girl was breathtaking.

She had the palest skin they had ever seen, it almost to the point of being sickly if it weren't for the faint blush dusting her high cheekbones. Her black hair was so dark that it had an almost blue undertone to it, the lights from the club making it dance with color. It was stick straight, falling down her back and shoulders like a waterfall of ebony. Her smooth legs seemed to stretch on forever, the red dress sticking to her ivory body like a second skin and showing off her generous curves. Their eyes move down from her hypnotic eyes to her deep red lips, trailing down her cleavage and flat stomach.

"S-sure" the pronounce "leader" of their group of friends states shakily, his eyes too busy staring at her breasts to notice the smirk on her kissable lips.


She joins their circle, closing her eyes and letting the music move her body in ways that leaves the guys speechless. They watch her body as it moves in tantalizing circles, too entranced to dance the way they were before she came up to them.

She stops dancing all of a sudden, a smile on her face as she asks aloud, "who wants to dance with me?"

No one speaks, their eyes wide as they simply gawk at her. They don't know what to do, how to react or respond to her. Her smirk says it all. She loves the reaction she gets, well aware of the effect she has on hormonal young men like them. She glances around the circle of guys, her caramel eyes stopping on the one with raven black hair. She points at him as she moves her hips to the music, motioning for him to come closer to her when he meets her eyes.

Jungkook doesn't know what to do. He's never been asked to dance like this, especially not by a woman as sexy as she is. None the less, he walks towards her with shaky legs, ignoring the jealous looks he is getting from all of his friends.

He stares at her with wide eyes as she grabs his hand, pulling him closer to her body. She's close enough that he can smell her perfume, the faint fragrance like a drug to his distracted mind. He finds himself wanting to move closer to her body, his feet moving on their own accord. Her hips brush against his, almost like she is teasing him with an unspoken promise of more to come.

His breath catches when she faces him and puts her hand on the back of his neck, her face coming closer and closer to his. She stops when her lips are right in front of his, not quite touching but close enough to make his mouth tingle and his breath to get stuck in his throat.

"Do you guys want to come back to my place? My friends and I were going to throw a party."

He distractedly nods his head to her question, pulling away from the beauty in front of him to tell his friends. They immediately jump at the thought of going to see this stunning girl's friends. If they are even half as seductive and attractive as she is, they will be content.

She leads them out of the club and to her car, her smirk turning from playful to ominous.

She's got them now.

Cannibal: BTS ffМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя