"But, can you remember names?"

He rolled his eyes and exited without another word, leaving me smirking. I finished my chicken and here he entered again.

"Remembered?" I asked.


"Tell me."

"Ellie, Nina, Clary, Karen, and Alison."

"Who's Alison?" I asked.

Alison? I haven't met any Alison's.

Billy shrugged, "I don't know, some blonde, I guess."

"I don't know any Alison's."

"Let them in?"

I nod and he exited again. After a minute four girls entered the room.

They all started talking together:

"Oh my god, you worried me, how have you been?"

"I ran all the way to here, what happened?"

"You alright? Billy said you passed out in a mall!"

"Are you hurt? God, what the heck was wrong?"

When they finished with questions, they started over:

"Oh my god, why are you sitting? Lay down!"

"Come on, I'll cover you in blankets!"

"You look good but you always do, so I guess you should lay back."

"Oh my god, you back's not covered, lay now!"

I looked at Billy to see his eyes wide and mouth ready to laugh. I mouthed a help to him.

He just grinned.

"Please?" I whispered.

Girls were on and on, not shutting up. Billy rolled his eyes and said, "Girls, girls stop!"

But nope, nobody listened.

"Enough!" I screamed and they shut up, "Stop, just stop. I'm alright, I passed out, but I feel cool. I'm not cold, and not tired to lay down. So just calm down."

"We've been worrying a lot," Clary informed.

"I see, thanks. And who's fifth?"

"Alison," Nina replied, "I don't know why she's here, she kind of always hangs out with two girls. Do you know her?"

"No," I said, furrowing my eyebrows in the middle. "Why is she outside?"

"Said she'd come when you're alone," Karen replied and I nodded.

"You really alright?" Clary now asked, noticeably worried.

I quickly nodded, "Yea, like I've never even passed out."

Soon, there was another knock on the door. Alison it is. Decided to join my little party, huh?

"Come in," I called out, hiding that smirk to myself.

I found myself dissapointed when the man in his middle 50ies entered the room, dressed as a doctor.

"There are too much of you altogether," the man said and his voice matched to the one that was talking to Billy before I gained my energy. "Zoe needs to rest, she's-"

"No, I'm fine," I quickly cut him off, "I feel good like new."

He glanced at me before returning back to the ladies. And Billy. "Anyways, you have to go, I gotta check Zoe."

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