Chapter 18: The end

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Recaps: I heard footsteps and looked back to see Harlock walk into the bathroom with me as I chuckled.

Phantom's pov:

I woke up today with Kei wrapped around my arms as I smiled and stroked her cheek while I waited until she woke up, after a while she finally woke up as I smiled only for Kei to get out of my grasp harshly and run to the bathroom as I got up and ran to the bathroom and held her hair back as she puked "You ok Kei" I asked as Kei nodded and walked out getting dressed "Wanna come to the infirmary to see what's wrong" Kei asked as I nodded and got dressed, we walked to the infirmary as Kei talked to zero and he led her to a room as I walked inside with them and waited for Zero to tell us what was wrong with Kei.

"Congratulations your pregnant Kei" Zero said as I stood there shocked "Thank you Zero" Kei said as she grabbed my hand and walked me out of the infirmary as mom and dad stood outside the door "Hey mom hey dad" I said "Are you ok Phantom" mom asked me "Yea uhm Kei's pregnant" I said as dad smirked and mom smiled "Congratulations Phantom your gonna be a dad" mom said as he hugged me "Thanks mom" I said as I saw dad hugging Kei and saying congratulations "Congratulations Phantom" dad said giving me a side hug as I smiled "Thanks dad" I said as I looked around.

"Where's Jenna and Blake" I asked "They're probably in Jenna's room" mom said as I nodded and we all walked towards Jenna's room "Hey sis" I said as I opened the door to see her laying on Jenna's bed "Hi big brother Jenna is in the bathroom she'll be out in a minute" Blake said as I nodded and waited for Jenna to come out, after a few minutes Jenna walked out and looked at us "Is something wrong do I need to fight someone" she asked "No but Phantom's going to be a dad" dad said as she sighed in relief "You all scared me there for a second" she said as I chuckled.

"Blake how are you and Keith doing" mom said as mine and dad's head snapped to Blake "We are doing OK actually I wanna tell you all something" Blake said as mom smiled and looked at Blake "I'm pregnant" she said as my mouth hung open "Your what" dad said angrily "Harlock calm down" mom said "Daddy please don't kick Keith off the ship if love him" Blake said as I looked at dad "Dad I think it's time we stop being overprotective of Blake" I said as mom,dad,Blake,Jenna, and Kei looked at me shocked "Come on dad Blake needs someone else in her life and Keith is the man of her dreams or whatever just give him a chance" I said as mom smiled at me and dad sighed.

Blake's pov:

I was really happy when Phantom said that he would give Keith a chance as I smiled and walked up to him hugging him as he chuckled and hugged back, after that we all walked to the dining area as I went to get my food and sat next to Keith and we all sat at the same table as Phantom smiled at me  "You better take care of my daughter Keith" dad said as he nodded "Yes sir" he said as I smiled while my brother smiled and would sometimes look up at me or Keith and smile then looks at Kei and smiles at her.

After a few minutes I finished eating as we all went to the helm and dad sat at his chair while I stood next to him and Phantom took charge of the helm as we continued through space "Where's Jenna" I asked after a few hours as dad looked around "I'm not sure let's go look for her" dad said as I nodded and we all walked out of the main floor and looked around trying to find Jenna "Dad there's something on Jenna's door" I said taking the piece of paper out of the door "What does it say" mom asked "Jenna's gone and she's never coming back" I said tearing up as dad got the paper from me and read the paper.

"Why Jenna why" dad said as mom looked at me and grabbed me hugging me closely as I cried into his chest "She shouldn't have gotten to far" Phantom said as dad nodded and they ran to the helm as me,mom, and Kei walked to the helm "Yullian get a signal on Jenna" dad said as Yullian got the signal "There's something else" Yullian said as mom looked at his screen "It's the weird human looking thing it's gotta be" he said as dad nodded "Arcadia quick before she gets severely injured" dad said as the Arcadia took off quickly, we arrived where Jenna was in less than a minute and saw her fighting the weird looking thing.

"We were created Jenna we were never born" the other thing said as we all gasped "Just because we were created by humans doesn't mean that all of them are bad" Jenna said "Oh please Jenna those humans were probably using you" the other thing said "We would never use Jenna for anything" dad said standing up as both Jenna and the weird thing looked at us "I told you not to come Harlock" Jenna said "Do you think I would listen to you" dad said as he looked at Jenna "Your our family Jenna and what you did to protect my kids when they were younger was the best thing ever" dad spoke as Jenna stared at him.

Harlock's pov:

"You hid this from us that you were created because you were scared of losing us" I said as Jenna nodded "Well your wrong Jenna, I don't care if you were created or cursed your part of this crew which means your part of this family" I said as Jenna teared up "And you whatever your name is Jenna is correct not all humans are bad" I said as he just stared at me "We love each and everyone of this crew equally or more than equally" I said grabbing Logan as Phantom grabbed Kei and Keith held on to Blake "We love each other like family and me,Logan,Phantom, Keith,Kei, and Blake love each other as couples we would never think of hurting our family" I said looking back at Jenna "Now join our crew and become part of the family" I said looking at the weird thing "He's right Winston we all love each other as family aboard the Arcadia" Jenna said as I smiled "Alright I'll join your crew" Winston said as I smiled.
Cl: So here's the final chapter hope you Logan and Harlock lovers enjoyed

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