Chapter 14: Phantom's in love/ Protective Harlock and Phantom

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Recaps: "Alright now I'm going to go back to Blake" I said as Harlock nodded.

Phantom's pov:

I woke up today as I stretched out and got out of bed looking in the mirror "I'm just like dad" I thought looking at my muscles as I got a shirt and put it on then put the jacket on as I did my bed and put my boots on then brushed my teeth and did my business, after that I walked outside to see Jenna and Blake walking towards the dining area as I walked up to them "Hey you two" I said as Blake looked at me and smiled as Jenna did the same "How was your sleep last night" Blake asked me "Great why" I said "She couldn't fall asleep last night" Jenna said as I immediately got worried for Blake "Did you tell mom and dad, why didn't you wake me up, who did you go to" I began asking questions "Calm down Phantom I did go to your room to wake you up but you seemed so tired so I decided to wake up aunt Jenna and she stayed awake with me the whole night and no I haven't told mom and dad" she said as I looked at her.

"Why couldn't you sleep last night" I asked "I was feeling a little low on oxygen and I felt a little dizzy" she said "Well did you go to the infirmary" I asked walking inside the dining area with them "Yes Zero said that it was just me because I well am in love so I have to be careful with what I do" Blake said as I looked at where mom and dad usually sit and saw them there "Go sit with mom and dad I'll get your food and I'm telling them" I said as Blake nodded and walked towards there spot as I got Blake's food and walked to the table "So how was your sleep you two" mom asked me "Great Blake on the other hand couldn't sleep" I said "Why what happened" dad asked worried "She said she felt low on oxygen and that she was dizzy" I said "Why didn't you wake up your brother" mom asked "Because he seemed like he was sleeping peacefully so I went and woke up aunt Jenna" Blake said as they smiled at Jenna.

"I took her to the infirmary Zero said she has to be careful on what she does" Jenna said "But she hasn't been running or anything" mom said "Yea but she's in love with the new guy" I said as dad's head snapped up "That man is not allowed near you" dad immediately said "But daddy" Blake said as she finished her food "Not buts Missy you are not allowed to be near him and if I so much as to find out he was in your room I'll kick him out of the Arcadia and get a new recruit" dad said "Your just like Phantom" Blake said "Hey in my offence I prefer protective" I said as Blake chucked.

After that I walked to the helm and saw the girl of my dreams there "Hey Phantom" Kei said "Hey Kei so is there anything unusual today" I said taking the helm "No nothing unusual" she said as I nodded and heard dad walk in as I looked forward "Phantom come here" dad called as I let go of the wheel and walked with him "You like her don't you" dad said smirking "No" I lied "Your lying" dad said "Alright maybe I do" I said as dad smirked "Then make your move" dad said as he walked towards the helm with me behind him as I went back to the wheel as I heard footsteps "Hey daddy" Blake said "Hey princess" dad said as I continued what I was doing.

Harlock's pov:

I watched as Phantom continued to steer the ship "Daddy I'm going to go to Jenna's room" Blake said as I nodded and let her go as I continued watching Phantom "Harlock Blake and the new guy Keith are talking" Toshiro said as I gripped the seat and Phantom looked at me as he walked towards me "What's wrong dad" he asked me "Blake and Keith are speaking" I said as I got up and walked in the direction that Toshiro told me to go with Phantom behind me "Want something Keith" I said grabbing Blake as I hugged her and she looked at me as Phantom stood in front of her "No I was just talking captain" Keith said "How about you turn around and walk away and don't talk to my sister does that sound like a good idea to you" Phantom said as I looked at Keith.

"You should listen to my son and leave my daughter alone or I'll kick you off the Arcadia" I said as Keith raised his hands in surrender and walked away "I told you no talking to the new recruit Blake" I said as Phantom looked at her "Come on daddy we where just talking" she said "Not everything ends in just talking" Phantom said as I agreed "Will you two leave Blake alone" Logan said as Blake let go of me and walked to Logan "She was talking to the new recruit so I decided to stop the conversation in case it got out of hand" I said as Logan rolled his eyes "Like the truth or dare game you told Yullian and Kei to play with me in which I'd I remember correctly got way out of hand" Logan said as I smirked "Come on Logan you know you liked it" I said "Eww dad that's nasty" Blake said "That is kinda nasty to here about your personal life or whatever" Phantom said "Really cause I'm pretty sure soon enough you'll be doing it with Kei" I said "DAD" Phantom yelled as I laughed.

"Your an idiot once again" Logan said "Oh please Logan you love me" I said as I looked at him as he smiled "I know that's why your my idiot" he said as I smiled and walked up to him kissing his lips "Get a room you two" Jenna said as Blake walked to Jenna and hugged her as I looked at Logan to see want in his eye "I'd love to" I said as I carried Logan over my shoulder and walked to the room setting him down as I locked the door and kissed Logan putting him on the bed and taking his shoes off "Gentle or rough" I asked "Rough" Logan said as I nodded and we both started round one and in the end finished with six rounds.
Cl: Here's another chapter for you all Loganand Harlock lovers enjoy

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