Chapter 7: Lung problems

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Recaps: "Get her to the infirmary I'll tell Harlock" Miime said as we both rushed out and went opposite ways as I ran to the infirmary hoping Blake was OK.

Harlock's pov:

I was at my chair looking out the window with Jenna standing next to me when I heard Miime's footsteps coming but instead of there usual slow-pace she was running "Harlock Somethings wrong with Blake Logan took her to the infirmary" Miime said as everyone gasped and I quickly got up and ran to the infirmary, once I got there I walked inside and saw a room opened as I walked inside to see Blake in a weird capsule like thing "What happened" I asked walking towards Logan who was facing the other way "S-she h-has lu-lung p-pr-problems" Logan stuttered as he turned around and I saw he was crying as I balled my fist.

"STUPID JAMESON" I yelled as I punched the nearest object shattering it as Logan jumped "Come here Logan" I said as he walked towards me and I held him close as he cried harder into my chest "Shh don't cry I hate seeing you cry" I said as I felt a tear escape my eye "I can't" Logan said as I hugged him tightly and looked at my baby girl as I heard footsteps and looked towards the entry way to see Jenna walk in as I got an idea "Is she going to be ok" Jenna asked "Yea S-she w-will ju-just h-have t-to b-be w-with a-an oxy-oxygen m-ma-machine" Logan said crying "Jenna promise me something" I said as Jenna looked at me along with Logan "What is the promise Harlock" she asked "Promise me you'll protect Blake at all cost promise" I said tearing up "I cross my heart Harlock" she said as Logan went and hugged her "Thank you Jenna" Logan said as Jenna comfort him and I walked to Blake's side.

"You have a protector now Blake we all do" I said as Zero came in with a machine "This is her oxygen machine" Zero said as I nodded and he put it on her "She good to go that tank is never going to run out of oxygen" Zero said as I nodded and picked up Blake as I took her to the room while Jenna walked with Logan, once we got to the room I put Blake in her bed and Logan went and laid down "I'll leave you two alone" Jenna said as I nodded and she left as I laid down next to Logan "I promise Logan I will protect her along with the crew and Jenna" I said as Logan hugged me "Thank you Harlock" he said as I kissed him "We are all immortal here and we will do anything for our people" I said as he smiled.

After that Logan fell asleep as I got up and walked towards Blake's crib as I looked at my baby girl "I love you Blake and I'll always protect you" I said as I stroked her hair and she smiled in her sleep as I smiled at her and walked out of the room and towards the main bridge as I walked in and sat at my usual spot as Jenna stood in one side of me and Miime in the other "How's Logan" Miime asked "He's upset but I'll make him happy again and I'll protect my baby girl" I said as she nodded and looked back towards the giant glass window "Space is beautiful isn't it" Jenna said as I smiled "Yea and I'll give the whole universe to Blake I'll show her every inch of space" I said as Jenna smiled "That's what a great immortal father would do for his immortal child who has problems" Jenna said as I smiled.

Logan's pov:

I woke up to Blake crying as I got up and walked to her as I saw the oxygen tank and teared up a little "Hey baby girl what's wrong" I said as she cried "Want daddy" I said taking her out of the crib as she cried more and I heard the door open and close "What's the matter baby girl" Harlock said as Blake cried more "Harlock can you make her a bottle please" I said as he nodded and I carried Blake to our bed dragging the machine behind me "Here you are honey" Harlock said as I tried to give Blake the bottle but she didn't want it "Blake I don't understand what do you want" I said as Harlock looked at Blake.

"Jenna come here please" Harlock said as I looked at him and heard a knock "Jenna you don't have to knock" I said as she opened the door and what surprised me and Harlock was that Blake stopped crying instantly and reached her hands towards Jenna "I think Jenna should be the aunt Logan they both have a aunt a niece connection" Harlock said as I nodded and handed Jenna Blake as I gave her the bottle and Blake drank from it then Jenna burped her and gave her back to me in which Blake did not like whatsoever as she started crying again "Shh Blake it's alright that'd your mom there and dad is right in front of you they'll take good care of you" Jenna said as Blake stopped crying and hugged me as I sat there astonished "How do you do this" I asked as Harlock looked at Jenna "I have my ways" Jenna said as I chuckled along with Harlock.

After that I put Blake back into her crib and turned on the animal things on the top as they started playing music and I walked away as Harlock turned the lights of and crawled into bed as I did the same "Do you want another kid" Harlock asked me "Yea I really want a boy" I said as Harlock got ontop of me "No Harlock not today Blake while hear us" I said "Alright but tomorrow Blake is sleeping in Jenna's room so I could have a go at you again" Harlock said winking as I blushed "Yea sure but first I wanna make sure Jenna knows how to take care of a kid" I said as Harlock chuckled "Blake is my daughter Logan Jenna wouldn't be stupid enough to hurt her plus she's family now" Harlock said as I nodded and snuggled into his chest "Good night Logan" Harlock said "Night Harlock" I said as I fell asleep.
Cl: Here's another chapter just for you all Logan and Harlock lovers enjoy

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