Chapter 5: The protector

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Recaps: "Well I'll leave you two alone" I said as I was about to walk out "No stay" Logan said as I nodded and stayed with them.

Harlock's pov:

It's been a few weeks since Jameson hurt Logan and the baby and I was now at the main bridge looking towards Logan as I smiled and watched him carefully to make sure he didn't hurt himself, after a while Logan let go of the ship and walked out as I followed "You alri-" I wasn't able to finished my sentence when Logan smashed his lips on to mine and I smirked into the kiss as I carried Logan and walked to the room not breaking the kiss, once I got to the room I put Logan down and closed the door as I took off my shoes along with Logan as I started kissing him again while I took of my cape and weapon belt as I set the weapon belt on my side of the bed while I pushed Logan onto the bed and hovered over him.

Warning sexual scene skip if you don't want to read

I started kissing Logan again as I trailed down his neck leaving hickeys and got to his sweet spot as he moaned loudly and I pressed my body to his but not to much as I felt his groin and smirked while I started taking off Logan's clothes and Logan took off mine "How about a blow job for today" I said "Sure" Logan said as I nodded and reached into the night stand taking out the vibrater as Logan squirmed a little "Don't worry" I said placing it on his ass and turning it as I started kissing Logan again and started making my way down as Logan moaned and I got near his groin.

I started rubbing Logan's thighs as I kissed him lightly and he moaned louder as I continued and decided to touch him a little "Harlock" Logan moaned "I know Logan" I said as I got him whole and moved forward and backwards as Logan moaned loudly and I began to rub myself "Harlock please" Logan said as I moved quicker and Logan moaned loudly "Harlock" Logan yelled as I moved quicker and continued to rub myself "Harlock I'm close" Logan said as I continued until Logan came and I tasted him "You taste good Logan" I said as Logan's eyes widened as I wiped away some of the Cum from my lips "What" I asked as he nodded.

End of sexual scene

After that I took out the vibrater and turned it off as I laid down and pulled Logan closer to me "I love you Logan" I said "I love you to Harlock" he said as he slowly fell asleep and I smiled as I caressed Logan's cheek "I promise I will protect you" I said as I was about to fall asleep the alarms blared as I jumped up and Logan woke up "What's going on" he asked as I got out of bed and put my clothes on "Stat here lock the door" I said as Logan nodded and I left out the door and towards the small fighter jets and saw a weird person their "Who are you" I asked the man "That's none of your concern now tell me where Jameson is" he said "Never" I said as he chuckled darkly.

Logan's pov:

I walked back and forth waiting for Harlock to return as I ran my hand through my hair for the sixth time until I heard someone running towards the door and thought it was Harlock so I opened the door only to find a weird man standing their as he smirked at me "Put on something that is useful for space" he said "No I don't know who you are and I don't take orders from you" I said as he smirked and carried me over his shoulder "PUT ME DOWN" I yelled as the man ignored me and brought me to the hanger deck as I saw Jameson getting on a ship "Put on a space suit" the man said as I obeyed not wanting to hurt the baby.

Once I finished putting on a space suit the man turned into a weird looking thing with string arms as he grabbed me and took off with me "LOGAN" Harlock yelled as I looked back with tears when I saw a green serpent come towards us and slam into the man as I flew upwards and the green serpent caught me "You ok captain" Jenna said "Yes thank you and also don't call me that I'm Logan" I said as she chuckled "Hold on" I said as the man shot out this weird looking thing and Jenna dodged it as she shot out something that looked like fire but wasn't burning "Give me the man" the other man said "Not going to happen" Jenna said as they started fighting while I held on to Jenna "Jenna I'm getting really nauseous right now" I said trying to hold in my vomit as Jenna hit him and took off towards the ship.

Once I got inside I took off the space suit and ran to a near by bathroom as I puked "Jenna" I called as she ran to me "What's the matter captain" she said as I pointed at the splotches of blood "May I carry you to the infirmary" she asked as I nodded and she carried me towards the infirmary "Zero the captain needs help" Jenna said as zero rushed in "Place him in here and get Harlock" Zero said as she did as told "No don't go please" I said with a scared tone "Captain I need to get your husband here immediately" she said as I began to tear up "Forget it Jenna just stay here" Zero said as she nodded.

After a while zero was able to figure out why I had spit out the splotches of blood "Logan try not having sex with Harlock no matter what understood" Zero said as I nodded and looked at Jenna "Do you wish of me to call your husband" she asked as I nodded a yes and she left, a few seconds later Harlock rushed in with Jenna as I saw him all beat up "What happened to you Harlock" I asked getting up but a searing pain shot through me as I yelled and laid back down as zero rushed in "Don't move Logan the child isn't exactly in a good position and you could break off her leg" Zero said "You tell him that now" Jenna said as I looked at her in agreement.
Cl: Here's another chapter for you all Logan and Harlock lovers enjoy

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