“ Only for six more months,” Ally defended, giving up I decided to ask a different question, “ What kind of music does he sing?”

“ Rock! It’s like so great, they have the best cover of Last Resort! Your going to love it Celine,” Ally said unlocking her car so we could get in. She continued to tell us all about Derek for the five minute car ride to Salo’s Bar.

“ Hey Kay, we’re here to see Derek,” Ally said pulling us through the crowd, as we neared the door, the other girl Kay nodded and pulled the gate open for us. There was a long hallway full of rooms after that and she finally stopped at the one labeled, Fellow’s of Hurt. Fishing out something from her pocked, Ally unlocked the door and we followed her inside.

“Derek!” Ally exclaimed launching herself at him with a hug, he smiled.

“Hey babe, what up?” he replied and glanced over at us, Ally pulled away, and mentioned us closer. We walked over by her and looked over at Derek. He looked like someone I had seen before, but where had I seen him? “Sassy girl?” He questioned and then I figured it out, he’s the guy from the bar that I almost hooked up with two years ago, oh boy.

“D,” I replied and Ally looked between the two of us, she looked so confused. How were we going to explain this?

“ Ally babe, she’s just a friend,” Derek proclaimed figuring out that she wanted an explanation almost as fast as I had.

“So, what your telling me here is you two already know each other?” Ally asked looking at us, I nodded we had been pretty close. “Well, I suppose I can let it slide for this once, since neither of you told me you knew each other,” Ally glared at us, but I shrugged, who cared?

“Derek? You ready man?” Another voice came from behind us, a voice I easily recognized as Denaras’ and he looked around the room, “ Celine?” He question and glared at Caleb. Haresh walked in behind him and I looked at Derek and Ally, then back to Caleb who looked a me. A frustrated look crossed over his overly handsome face.

“ What’s going on here?” Haresh question glaring at me and I rolled my eyes simply. The pulled through my brain trying to figure out what exactly to say.

“Oh shush! Don’t give me any of this bull, no way Haresh back off. Denaras don’t even think about it!” I shouted at them and Denaras stopped I can’t ever stop seeing ex’s can I? Haresh well he’s sill under Emma’s rule. And Denaras is still under severe heart break, from when I broke up with him. My life just cant get any better can it?

Looking up at the ceiling, parts of it were circled with brown, some parts were falling off and it was beginning to smell in here. Looking around the room, it was really low class.

“ Time to perform,” A voice said from the doorway, and Emma walked in her guitar slung across her shoulder and she glared at Caleb and I. Could life get any worse? Don’t answer that. “ No way! Goody two shoes and her boyfriend?” She exclaimed looking between Caleb and I.

“Shut it Emma, I’m not a goody two shoes and you know that!” I yelled and Derek and the other walked around us to the door, Haresh grabbed a bass from a rack and they all walked out. Ally pulled us behind stage, and looked at me.

“ Want to explain?”


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Thank you all for reading, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Let me know what you think! :P

Chapter# 15 pt.2

Celine’s POV

I felt awful as Caleb pulled me into his strong arms, I felt as if my life would never work out. I felt terrible, but most of all I felt like a burden! To my own boyfriend, who is so much better then I am. He’s always there for me, and what do I keep doing? Causing him grief! Making him worry, making promises I don’t know if I will be able to keep.

My Life As The Devil's Daughter [Note: Sequel is out!]Where stories live. Discover now