Rylan gasped as cold air hit them. The vampire was leaping from roof to roof with perfect grace, never missing his footing. Rylan clung onto him. His brave friends were all left behind – yet more victims of the monster Ryder. The vampire released his grip over his mouth, moving Rylan so that he was perched more securely on his back.

"Thank you!" Rylan spoke into his ear, talking loud over the rushing wind. Lewis smiled, flashing his long fangs.

Ryder surveyed the scene. Dead bodies were littered all over the ground floor. Sighing he helped Peter get to his feet.

"Job well done, brother." Ryder complimented softly as he placed Peter's arm over his broad shoulders, supporting most of his weight as they trudged slowly back to the hotel. Peter didn't say anything but his quick gaze looked about them suspiciously. Something wasn't adding up.

Elle found Thorn out on the hotel's veranda, gazing up at the stars. He nodded in greeting.

"Have you seen Lauren?" She asked brusquely. He shook his head. "She's not in her room, she's not with Ryder or you – where is she?" She stomped off and silently Thorn followed her. In the lounge they found a maid carrying a tea try. "Excuse me, have you seen the slave girl that's staying with us?" The maid backed nervously away from Thorn and concentrated on addressing solely Elle.

"Sì signora. She was with one of your brothers."

"Which one?" The woman shook her head, indicating that she wasn't sure.

But Thorn was already striding from the room. "Hey where are you going?" She called after him.

"She's with Michael." Elle watched him disappear down the stairs. Michael was a brother – he was loyal. He'd never betray Ryder, he loved him. Elle gasped. Loved – perhaps a little too much.

"Thanks for your help." She called over her shoulder as she sprinted after Thorn.

Ryder's phone buzzed in his pocket. It was Elle.

"Ryder I-"

"I need doc to meet me. Peter's been hurt."

"What?! Oh my god, what happened?" Peter tried to protest that he was fine but his words were slurred. Beads of sweat were running down his forehead and Ryder was practically dragging him down the street. "Where are you? I'll send him now."

Ryder rolled his eyes.

"It's fucking Venice Elle – I've only half an idea." He snapped, he was panting, struggling with Peter's weight. "Get Thorn to track us."

"Thorn's looking for Lauren."


"We think she's with Michael. We can't find them."

"Tell him it's an order. Peter can't wait." He hung up cursing under his breath.

Peter's head slumped against the crook of his neck. Ryder gently lowered him to the ground, his frown deepening as Peter groaned, clutching at his side. Ryder pulled apart his shirt to examine the wound. "It's going to be ok Peter – help's on its way." He could only hope it had all been worth it. Lewis had played his part – rescuing one of the resistance. Hopefully, he'd soon have a man on the inside. He pressed down on Peter's side – hoping to stem the flow. "I'm sorry." He softly whispered, resting his forehead against Peter's.

"Michael please!" Chloe pleaded, tears streaming down her face. Michael glared at her – his face a mask of fury.

"I watched – I watched everyday as Ryder's heart tore apart missing you – you fucking bitch!" Chloe whimpered, glancing down at the drop far below. Michael had brought them up onto the roof of a church.

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