History of the Legends

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You all may know the story of the Mikaelson family. It is a legend after all. But this is the one that has been the one known to our family.

10th century:

Our family comes from 10th-century Viking-era Europe, from the Kingdom of Norway.

Esther a young witch marries Mikael, a wealthy landowner, and powerful Viking warrior.

After losing their daughter, Mikael and Esther along with Finn, unborn Elijah, and Esther's friend Ayana, left Europe for America where several Viking colonies already existed. There, they settled in a village on the location of the future town of Mystic Falls in Virginia.

Their neighbors were powerful werewolf warriors, and they quickly became a part of society. Mikael became a fierce warrior who helped the werewolves in battle while Ayana became the village healer and taught Esther how to use her magic. Esther quickly became a very powerful witch, even considered by some as being the most powerful of her time.

However, the loss of Freya had badly hurt Mikael, and he grew distant from his wife. Eventually, Esther took a liking to the young werewolf leader of the village, Ansel. The two begun an affair, as Mikael still neglected Esther. Esther eventually became pregnant with Ansel's child; and, realizing what Mikael would do to them if he ever found out, she returned to her husband. When she gave birth to a girl Victoria and a boy Niklaus, it renewed his hope for a family.

After the loss of Freya, Victoria became her father's favorite. Three more children were born to Mikael and Esther: a daughter, Rebekah, and two sons, Kol and Henrik. Finn, Victoria, Kol, and Rebekah inherited the witch powers from their mother.

Mikael had become harsher as a result of Freya's loss. While he loved us as his children he wanted us to be fierce warriors, and we came to fear him. I loved training with our father. But when I felt my father being harsh towards my siblings I stepped up. I protected my brother Niklaus sometimes when our mother never came in between.

To prevent Mikael from finding out her bastard son's nature, our mother gave Niklaus a pendant and said to hold onto it whenever he was scared and that she will be there for him. But after this Nik was only viewed badly by our father, and he suffered the brunt of his violence. When he was abused mother taught him to hum a song sung by the starlings.

Nik met Lucas when he was nine years old. He became quick friends with him. Lucas was part of our family. Our father accepted him. He trained him along with us. Lucas and I trained all day when we had time.

When we grew up Lucas and I fell in love. When Lucas had asked my hand in marriage there was an argument. But they finally let us get married. Father knew we were strong enough to handle ourselves against danger. So he let us move away and we did. After a few months of our marriage, we decided to visit my family and tell them that we were going to be parents in a few weeks.

Although our mother dabbled in the dark arts, they were largely just a family trying to survive at a time when it was quite difficult to do so. And, for better or worse, we were all happy after all.

That is, however, until one night. Niklaus and Henrik, fascinated by the werewolves, snuck out of the caves to see them turn on the full moon, which was forbidden by the village's laws.

Our youngest brother Henrik was killed by our village's greatest threat. Our family was devastated, none more than Niklaus.

Desperate to protect the rest of us, our father forced our mother to call upon her black magic in order to make us stronger. Our mother turned our father and us into beings that were faster and stronger than werewolves, with our own fangs to attack, and heightened senses, and unable to be truly killed.

Esther, upon her husband's request, called on the power of the sun for life, and the ancient white oak tree for immortality to make her children stronger and immortal while also using the magically spelled blood of a doppelganger allow them to be reborn as a powerful new species.

Mikael and us, his six remaining children including Lucas by my request turned while Esther remained a witch. However, for every new strength, a weakness plagued us, the sun that granted life would burn us and keep us inside until dark, vervain that grew on the white oak tree could burn us and prevent mind compulsion, while neighbors who had once invited us into their homes could now keep us out unless we were invited, and wood from the white oak tree is the one thing that can take our immortal lives away, by killing us.

Thus first vampires were born, but with this speed, this strength, this immortality came a terrible hunger... and a heartbreaking loss for me and Lucas. We had lost our child, our daughter during my transition. When I woke up my mother had told me. I rushed out of the house and felt this hunger which I have never felt in my entire life. I couldn't control my hunger. My father forced me to feed in the end.

In hunger, my siblings had massacred half of the village while Lucas and I completed our transition and mourned for our daughter. When my mother tried to console me I lashed out on her. She was surprised that I still had my powers. I was the only one who knew how I still had my powers. But I didn't tell anyone.

When Niklaus made his first human kill, he triggered his werewolf curse, revealing our mother's infidelity. In his rage, Mikael slaughtered half the village before killing Ansel himself. He then forced our mother to suppress mine and Niklaus's werewolf side by using the blood of the doppelganger.

Furious at our mother's betrayal, Niklaus killed her and blamed our father for her death. Mikael fled from the village in his rage. After burying our mother, Rebekah promised to never turn her back on Nik, as Esther did and so did Elijah, Lucas, and I. We swore to each other we would stay together always and forever.

While fleeing from Mikael after the death of our mother, all of us ran for a significant amount of time, feeding on people along the countryside but always being careful to hide the bodies. Unsure of where we were going, Kol brought up the idea that maybe we should split up so as to better avoid our father. Finn agreed with the idea, tired of the killing and running, taking no pleasure in our descent into vampirism. Kol and Finn hated me because I still had my powers. They were jealous of course. Elijah was quick to remind us of our vow to remain together always and forever.

Published on 2nd 2017
Edited on 22nd June 2020

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