Shopping and Movies.

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I visited Fabian the next day. I needed his company and to know he was still alive and breathing.

I stayed for as long as the hospital would let me and I just sat and talked to him, listened to his breathing or just watched him sleep...

He was so peaceful.

"Then when I first started college I had a plan, no boyfriends- it was too much stress...then I met Derek and he changed that- he changed me....but then you came along!....god I miss you Fabian..." I sighed, smoothing my fingers over his hand

"Miss, visiting ours are over." I turned around from where I was sitting and gave the doctor a small smile and a nod.

I looked back at Fabian and kissed his hand then stood up before kissing his forehead and brushing some of his hair out of his face and made my way towards the door.

"I love you" I whispered- mainly to myself- but also to Fabian then left the hospital.

___Time Laps___

I met Amber and Patricia so we could go shopping- I didn't want to but I figured it was better than sitting around and thinking about the events that have occurred the last month...

"Nina, look at this!" Amber squealed

I gave her a small smile and walked over to where she was standing. She showed me a dress, it was red and came down just before thighs and it had a little brown belt that went across the midway section.

I took it from her hands and looked at more closer and held it against my body and looked in the mirror a few inches away from me.

I tilted my head and adjusted the dress then the mirror and pictures how I'd look in it then noticed someone staring at me in the background.

I gasped and turned around when I realised who it was and they were gone.

I frowned and Amber came into my view, also wearing a frown on her face.

"What's up?" She asked

"N-Nothing." I swallowed and gave her a small smile to try and convince her I didn't see someone

Patricia then came over, holding a small pile of clothes with a few accessories and a pair of black ankle boots on top. She gave me a small smile and I returned it before we headed into the changing rooms to try on what we had chosen...

___Time Laps___

After shopping we headed back to our dorm rooms and me and Amber decided to watch a movie.

"The Fault In Our Stars, Finding Nemo, Twilight, Halloween or Spider-Man 2?" Amber asked

"Hmm...Finding Nemo!" I smiled

I walked into the kitchen and made some popcorn and grabbed two glasses and filled them with red wine before taking the popcorn out of the microwave and putting it into a bowl and walking over to where Amber sat on the couch...

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