Meet My Parents

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Nina's POV

Fabian woke me up and we got off the plane and I squinted my eyes at the bright light.

It wasn't even close to the temperature back home but the sun was out and it was warm...

We walked through the airport and did all the security checks before Fabian hailed a taxi and he started loading the luggage with the taxi driver.

He opened the door for me and I thanked him and got into the taxi, Fabian smiled at me and I smiled back before grabbing his hand and we drove away from the Liverpool airport...

___Time Laps___

"It's going to be so weird seeing my parents again.." Fabian mumbled

"What'd you mean?" I asked

"We don't really get along and I moved out and lived with my brother until he moved to Birmingham and then I went to college- which we argued about. So it might be a bit awkward, I don't know if they're over it or if they're going to be mad.." Fabian replied

"Well whatever happens I'm still here." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek

Fabian smiled back and the driver stopped and we both got out and took our bags and suitcases before paying the taxi driver and making our way towards the massive house...

"Wow" I mumbled as we made our way up the gravel path

The house looked like an ancient mansion...

(A/N: it's just Anubis house😂. They didn't go the Frobisher Academy so that school doesn't exist)

We reached the front door and Fabian knocked on it and waited for someone to answer.

"You nervous?" He asked, turning his head to look at me

"A bit" I replied

"Don't worry, I'm still here" Fabian smiled

I nodded and a women opened the door. She had short dark curly hair, dark skin and wore a kind smile.

"Hello, Fabian" the woman smiled up at Fabian

"Hey, Trudy" Fabian smiled at the woman and hugged the short woman

"Who's this?" She asked

"This is Nina Martin. My girlfriend" Fabian smiled proudly

"Hello, lovely. I'm Trudy Rahman" she smiled at me

I smiled back and shook her hand and me and Fabian followed her into the spacious house...

The hallway was a light purple colour and and the floor was made of a fine wood, there were a few pictures hanging on the walls. Some of what I assumed were Fabian and his brother and a couple of family portraits.

We entered the living room and I was greeted by two red leather couches on my left and right, the same wooden floor and a medium sized black rug with a coffee table on top. There was a small fireplace and a flatscreen TV on the wall.

"Wow" I mumbled again

"Hello, Fabian"

I turned around and saw a man and a woman standing in front of me and Fabian.

Mr. Rutter wore a black suit and his hair was the same shade as Fabian's- minus the grey tint- he had a small smile on his face and was only a few inches taller than Fabian. Mrs. Rutter was 2-3 inches shorter than Fabian and had curly chestnut coloured hair, she wore a blue dress that ended above her knee caps and black high heels. She smiled brightly at me and I blushed and shifted closer to Fabian while smiling at his parents

Fabian grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his parents...

"It's a pleaser to meet you" I said

Mr. Rutter stuck his hand out and I shook it and Mrs. Rutter pulled me into a short hug- which I gladly accepted.

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