When Worlds Collide - 11

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As I walked outside courage washed over me, I was about to confront my mother. Ben's car pulled up moment later. I knew everyone was watching at the window. I kissed him passionatly, enjoying the moment when he pulled away to whisper my name. His hands slowly made their way into my hair.

"Four Seasons." I whispered. "And then I'll be more than happy to fulfil my wifely duties." I licked my lips slowly. His eyes fluttered with pleasure. He opened the car door for and jumped across the bonnet.

We sped through the streets faster than ever. I begged him to wait outside in the car. I even told him to keep the engine running. I asked the receptionist for my mothers room number and made my way to the elevator. Once I reached the fifth floor I knew what I would say. Word for word.

I knocked on her door. She answered wearing the hotel bathrobe. "Brooke, baby how are you?" I laughed in my head. Months ago she irritated me, now she just knocks me sick. I walked into the room. She's staying in luxury while me and Ben have stayed in complete shit holes. Sure we could have afforded it, but money doesn't last forever.

"So I heard about you and dad. Harvey's father! Are you kidding me?" I yelled at her unable to keep my cool any longer. "How could you do this?" She made her excuses, they just got to talking one night, one thing led to another and before she knew it dad had kicked her out and Mr Anderson was paying for her to stay here.

"He's going to leave her honey and then we can carry on with our lives." I walked over the window taking in the sights of Riverside. This is the place I grew up, I had my first kiss in the park with Timmy Jones. My first date was at the mall with Shaun Peterson. And I fell in love on the 'wrong side of town' with Ben Collins. "And besides, if you were making no effort with Harvey then someone should." She shrugged.

"Mom, I got married. I'm no longer Brooke Taylor, I'm Brooke Collins." Her face flushed blood red. She screamed and cursed at me.

"He doesn't want you baby, he wants your money. The time will come when all he does is lie to you. He'll never be around!" She jabbed my shoulder with her finger.

"No mother, you're jealous that I have a man who loves me. We managed perfectly fine without you interfering for all that time we were away together! I don't love you mom. I'm sorry."

Before I knew it her hand slapped my face. That was it. That was the moment I completly lost my mother for good. "Goodbye Alison." I cried as I headed down the elevator back to the car. Ben jumped out of the car and wrapped his arms around me.

He stroked my cheek where the bright red handprint was exposed to the world. He helped me into the car and we drove back to his mom's.


We spent christmas day with Jenna and her boyfriend. I sat on the couch with a cup of soup for breakfast feeling really ill. We's been back in town for three weeks with no intention of leaving again just yet. Even with the truth about what we've been doing coming out to Tommy.

Turns out he's just as bad ass as Ben. He knew some people and together they'd been spending most nights at the bar plotting something. "Brooke it's one thing having you involved in me doing this solo but this is bigger than a gas station and I want to guarantee your safety." It was the same excuse all the time.

After a hot shower I looked at the mirror. Ben had been in before me and drew a love heart in the steam. I drew a jagged line through the centre. All I know about this boy should make me leave him. But I can't. He's my world. The very thought of him makes me smile.

He saved me from a life I never wanted. With a sigh I wiped the broken heart from the mirror. After drying my hair and putting on a pair of pyjama's I curled up on the couch again. I was like a zombie just watching tv. "You okay baby?" Ben lifted my head and sat down, laying my head on his lap.

"Still a little feversih." I mumbled.

"I'm staying in tonight. Tommy and the guys understand." He kissed my hand. "I love you wifey."

"Love you too." I looked up at him and smiled. I loved him so much it made me feel....sick? I jumped off him and ran to the bathroom. The door opened behind me and I knew he was there, rubbing my back and whispering soothing words. It hurt so much I cried.

"Oohh sweetheart." Jenna cooed as she walked by. "Ben leave us alone." Reluctantly he sighed and left. "You ok honey?" I nodded. "Sweetie are you sure you're ill? Are you pregnant?"

"I can't be, we're so careful. I'm on the pill." I sipped the water I'd left in here an hour ago. We sat there for fifteen minutes until we heard Ben cursing loudly from the kitchen.

"That's my cue to save dinner. How you two survived I'll never know." She chuckled shaking her head. I grabbed my glass of water and walked back to the couch.

After a short sleep I was awoken by someone knocking on the door. Ben walked out of the kitchen with a towel slung over his shoulder. He smiled and greeted the person there and invited them in. Josh! He carried in the presents followed by Kim. He hugged me and introduced himself to Jenna.

"What's going on Brooke? You don't seem yourself." Kim brushed some hair away from my face.

"I'm just not feeling very well. It's passing now so it's cool." I shrugged. After everyone had a drink handed to them we settled down for dinner. Turned out Ben invited Josh and my dad to dinner. Dad politley declined saying he had work to do. I'm sure it was the truth or Josh would say so.

"Kimmy say Grace." Jenna slapped the spoon of potatoes from her hand.

"Dearest Lord, we thank you so much for the incredible food that was inches away from my plate. We wish your blessings on all of us. Amen." With a huge grin she reached back for the spoon and scooped the potatoes on her plate.


December 30th, Ben and I headed just out of town for the day. We pulled into a small store, like the one in hick town. "Hey sweetie you have any cash?" Ben asked as he picked up a bag of chips. I felt around my bag for my purse and shook my head. He sighed and looked around before putting the chips inside his jacket.

I grabbed a bottle of vodka and placed it gently in my purse. My fingers brushed lightly across the cold gun. My heart beat was loud in my ears. I took a deep breath. I can do this, I thought in my head. "Open the register and hand over the cash!" I screamed in the poor guys face. There was a smash of glass behind me.

"What the fuck!" Ben stared at me in surprise, he ran to the front of the store and jumped over the counter. I smiled at him, my hero, my husband. My eyes darted back to the cashier who was beginning to cry, begging for his life.

"Sweetie," Ben's eyes darted up towards the celing, cameras. "Where's the fucking recorder?!" He shook the man as I kept the gun aimed at his chest. "Tell me or she shoots!"

"Store room." Ben let go and nodded at me. Without a second thought I squeezed the trigger. There was a bang, followed by a thud.

"Go go go!" Ben grabbed my arm as we ran outside to the car. He flipped the sign over to 'Closed' on the door. I started the car and when his door shut I put my foot down and drove like my life depended on it.

As we got a few blocks away I began to laugh. Ben looked puzzled for a while before he too started laughing. "That was awesome." I shook my head. It truely was, I'd seen Ben do this a million times. He laughed and kissed the back of my hand.

"Hey I've just realised you are driving my car!" He looked at me stunned. "You are so lucky I love you Mrs Collins."

"Please, you are lucky I love you...Benny Boo Boo." I giggled using his moms nickname for him. He blushed and looked out of the window. Once we were back in Riverside Ben took over driving. He dropped me off at my dad's and he headed over to Tommy's. Sure I was still curious but I trust him.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 21, 2012 ⏰

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