Chapter 22 She's Going To Kill You

Start from the beginning

"Brie I me-" Dean pause and looks at me,

"Ok well then that settles it we are going to Lewistown Montana" Dean says starting the car and turning around.

I don't say anything to Dean. I just stare out the window looking at the trees passing by every second.

I wonder what my brothers are doing right now, I lie to myself when I say I don't miss them because well the truth is I miss them so much.


~~Sam's POV~~



"SAM WAKE THE HELL UP" I jolt awake and stare wide eyed at Victoria,

"I'm up, I'm up geez" I say putting my hands up in defense,

The last thing I remember is, Mia sticking something in my neck, probably something to make me sleep because after she did that I was completely asleep.

"So while you were sleeping I found out every single thing about the bitch that is holding you captive" Victoria says typing away on a computer.

"Where'd you get the computer?" I ask confused she didn't have one before, actually she didn't even have anything near to the outfit she was wearing also.

"Oh I uhh found it" she says shrugging and waving me off.

I get off the couch that I was apparently on, and rub my eyes, I look around and notice that we are in my motel room that I rented because I decided to stay the night instead of driving to McKinley and also it was pouring outside,

"Can you focus here?" Victoria says snapping her fingers in front of my face,

"Ok bossy, what do you have?" I ask taking a seat on the bed that Victoria was sitting at.

"So apparently the girl Mia that is keeping you hostage. Umm she's a witch probably around six thousand years old or older, and she's bad like very bad, there are some people that pay her to do there dirty work for them and when she ether kills them or gets information from her victims, she gets payed. Oh and get this she's never let one of her victims go. Oh yea and also she's going to kill you" Victoria says looking at me shrugging

"What do you mean she's going to kill me?" I ask looking at Victoria like she grew two heads.

"She uhh thinks you know how to get me out of whatever I'm stuck in, and apparently some people really hate me. So they payed her to get information from you and then kill you" Victoria says nodding.

I run my hands through my hair. And look at Victoria, what am I suppose to do now I can't call Dean from my sleep and I could already be dead for all I know, but I don't think I am because if I was then I don't think I was gonna be here talking to Victoria.

"Sam easiest way to kill her is, shot her but head shots should kill her" Victoria says breaking me from my thoughts.

"Ok so how long till I wake up?" I ask her sitting back down beside her

"Two hours or more or less, it's hard to tell when that sleeping stuff is in your system" Victoria says, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"I know" I say kissing her forehead.

For the past week, I've been getting to know Victoria a lot better and she's not that bad, she's just lost and now I'm more determined to get her out. I'm actually really glad Dean didn't believe me when I told him what actually happened, he just laughed at me and said 'yea I bet your seeing creepy women in your dreams Sammy' that's what Dean said to me.


I feel something cold get thrown on me and open my eyes, only to be faced with Mia and an empty bucket of water.

I start shivering, I wiggle my hands against the ropes trying to pull them off but it's no use.

"I'm going to make your death nice and slow" Mia says smiling,

"I'm going to kill you when I get free" I snap at her

"Oh now Sam Victoria can't help you out here, and well your brothers heading to Mckinley with Gabriella, so I don't think you'll be getting free anytime soon, so sit back and relax" Mia says smirking at me, she walks out closing the only exit out of the room I'm in.

"When I need someone the most there never here" I sigh, looking around and notice I'm still in the library but in a smaller part of the library probably the back, there are books on selves but different books with other symbols, there's even one with the Anti-Possession symbol on it.

"Cas if your listening I need some help please" I say aloud

"Hello Sam" I recognized the voice of Cas say from in front of me,

"Cas ho-what?" I ramble on

"We need to get out of here before she comes back" Cas says coming to untie my ropes. I get up from the chair and rub my wrists.

"Castiel I've been expecting you" I turn and see Mia standing there.



I'm so sad because next Friday is the last episode of the vampire diaries ;( I'm really going to miss the Salvatore and everyone else.

In other news at least supernatural's gonna have another season :)

Another chapter as promised hope you enjoyed it

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Forgiven & Forgotten (a Supernatural Vampire Diaries Crossover) (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now