|01| new places, new idiots ✔

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chapter one

n e w p l a c e s, n e w i d i o t s


Present. . .

Taking a risky jump off of the train as it reaches its awaited destination, I sigh and run a hand through my long, brunette hair. I have been traveling for what seems like days on that old train and all I want to do is to get to the apartment I have rented out and take a long, hot shower.

The musty smell coming from the pedestrians surrounding me doesn't help the smell of the horrid subway as I make my way up the stairs and onto the street.

Staying invisible and hidden in a large city like Los Angeles would be difficult because of the many people, but I owe my best friend at least this. I was here to kill the men, the gang, that had ended my best friend's life before she was able to graduate high school. Yes, some may think that is a bit overdramatic, and maybe it is, but she wasn't only my best friend. We had grown up with each other, she's all I ever knew.

I've never been able to get close to anyone else after her death. My life went downhill after that day; my mom passed away from cancer and my step-father passed away shortly after from a tragic car accident. I didn't know what to do with myself for a while and depression made an appearance in my life. During my year of misery, I made the decision to avenge my best friend. . . so here I am.

"Hello, Miss?" I hear a man question faintly before my arm is gripped harshly and I'm jerked to the right.

Upon instinct, I swiftly take my gun from my waistband and push the barrel up against the temple of the random man's head. He visibly cowers before throwing his hands up in surrender, his eyes wide with fear.

"I-I didn't mean to startle you," he begins lowly with a slight stutter. "A couple was trying to get your attention and I figured you might've zoned out. . ." he trails off causing me to narrow my eyes at him. I slowly remove my gun from his temple.

Stuffing it back into my waistband, I send the man one last, long threatening look before turning around and walking down the once crowded sidewalk; the pedestrians from then on wanted nothing to do with me.

They steered clear of me like I was the plague after witnessing the incident. Even non-witnesses steered clear in caution after seeing everyone else do so.

Pulling the light jacket tighter around my frame, I huff out in annoyance, my breath visible in front of me due to the chilly weather.

As you could have observed, I don't fancy large cities like this. I'm not necessarily a people person and I don't have the time to make "friends."

Nearing the small and secluded apartment complex, I take the keys from my jacket pocket and place them hastily into the keyhole. After a couple of minutes of struggling, I frown and bite back some unpleasant words.

"Will you just open?" I pound on the door in slight frustration. I could be taking a nice, warm shower in there but no, I'm stuck outside of a semi-abandoned apartment complex in the cold without the appropriate jacket.

Stepping back, I release a harsh cough before groaning.

"Uh, are you okay there?" I hear a deep voice question from behind me.

Rolling my eyes, I spin around to face the culprit of the voice. Losing my balance slightly, I glare at the attractive man. He is wearing a nice, black suit─the kind you would wear to a business meeting or a job interview. His brown hair is styled to perfection and his blue eyes are warm and inviting.

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