Mind Reader (17)

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Hey Y'all! this is dedicated to my bestest friend LAUREN!! :)

love you chica!

Okay, soooo i should be studying right now because i have all my half yearlys next week and i haven't started but i love writing more (Duh!!) so i was like "Uh, WHAT THE HELL!" haha so anywaaaaay i will shutup and let youse read!

Hope you love it!



I lifted my hand and shakily turned the knob, great full for the non creaky ness.

On the opposite side of the room, a figure was leaning down, looking through my..



I ran over and hit the robber in the head with the stick thing and they yelped, toppling over on their back. "WHAT THE FUCK!" the person yelled, looking up at me surprised





Oh fffuuuuucccccck this can't be happening

He stood up and walked over to me, eyeing the stick In my hands

"What are you doing here?" he asked curiously


"What am I doing here?" I yelled "I LIVE HERE"

"Yeah I know idiot" he rolled his eyes "I meant, what are you doing here NOW. Aren't you meant to be at the beach getting set up or something?"

"Uhh, I just got back, and had a shower" wait, why am I explaining myself to him?!? I'm angry at him!!

"Why are YOU here" I looked behind him, "Going through my underwear draw??"

He blushed "I didn't expect YOU to be the blushing type"

"Right, yeah, sorry about that, so um, I should go.." he trailed off and walked around me

I through my hands in the air in exasperation and turned to face him "Are you leaving? Just like that?"

He shifted on his feet, still facing the door "Well, I, I.."

"Abby told me" I whispered


"You heard me"

He turned and immediately turned crimson. He kept his eyes locked on anywhere but my face, smirking as he said "Uhh, Aly?" and pointed to my body

"What?" confused, I looked down.

That's when I realised the towel that was covering me up was in a heap on the floor

I screamed a blood curdling scream and tried to cover myself up as much as I could

I heard a laugh and I glared at Ryan "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?!" I screamed

He took a few steps forward until we were touching "I'm sorry" he said, his eyes searing with honesty. I couldn't help but just blink and murmur something un intelligible.

He chuckled and shook his head slightly

"What?" I asked

"Nothing, you are just so cute when your confused" he rubbed my cheek with his thumb

I was suddenly aware of the proximity between us, which so happens to be minimal. I also was aware of myself being completely naked in front of Ryan. Oops.

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