Mind Reader (4)

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Chapter 4

I sat on my bed reading 'wuthering heights' for the umthing time. God, I can never get old of this book its just so..so..

"Hey there baby girl" the voice whispered in my ear. I screamed bloody murder and through my book across my bed and of it, hitting the floor with a thump. I bent down and grabbed it before turning to see dad leaning on the bed post of my double bed. I glared at him for scaring the bajesus out of me.

"Holey moley dad! What the hell?" I snuggled back into my really comfortable position and continued reading.

"Honey, I have always loved your eyes. They are so rare" he studied my face. He was right of course. They were rare. They were icey blue. Scary infact.

"Princess" he said sturnly, I closed the book, keeping the pen in it as a bookmark

"what?" I replied coldly

"we need to talk"he glanced at my forehead then back to my eyes. "No mind reading"

I rolled my eyes "yes dad. I dont do that anymore" I lied.

His eyes lit up

"really?well that's great!" he gushed. "anyway baby girl, this is important" he took the book and layed it on his lap. "You know how your mother and I are, always busy?" I nodded. "well, we have decided to make it permanent." he said finalising it with a nod. I blinked. What the hell does he mean? He studied my expression and noticed my confusion

"I mean, we were going to make this..you know..not helping around the house stuff permanent. Your mother got a job in Scotland and well, she is going."

I couldnt speak. They were leaving? Just like that? Leaving their two kids behind?

"w-what? What about Abby? A-and me?" I whispered.

Dad relaxed and stroked my cheek

"i know it sounds hard to grasp, but it really is for the best. Abby is in great hands with you and I know you will do whats best for her."

My brain clicked. "But you said mum was going to Scotland, what about you??" there has to be hope.

"Yes, well, I quit my job and I'm going to Saudi Arabia" he smiled weakly.

Saudi Arabia? What the hell? I searched his eyes for answers. Nothing. I looked down, his hands were sweaty and he was wiping them on his jeans. I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep.

"Damn It. I can't tell her about Acrisha, she will never forgive me for cheating on her mother. I hate this. I hope she doesn't judge me too hard.."

I opened my eyes and stared at him. I know he isn't the best father ever, and his parenting skills suck, but cheating on mum? That's out of the question!

"Get out." I said through clenched teeth

"princess i'm sorry" he pleaded

"get out you bastard" I yelled "GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT" I through my book at him and pushed him out, slamming the door in his face.

My day just when from bliss, to crap.

I ran my fingers through my hair and perched myself on the end of the bed. They're leaving. Just like that. Even after everything that has happened, I never thought they would actually leave! Maybe, just maybe we would become a real family, with only little problems to deal with and nothing too major like..i dont know..my father cheating on my mother! And he quit his job? As chief of medicine. Wow. He must really love this Acrisha woman. I wonder if she has kids...

I noticed the tears streaking down my face and I hesitantly wiped them away. God, I hate crying! Its so over-rated!

I stood up and ran my hands down my sweatpants. I looked around and saw my book sprawled on the floor. I slowly walked over and carefully picked it up by its spine. I stroked the front cover and hugged it to my chest. I then realised that 'Wuthering Heights' is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment.


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