Mind Reader (16)

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Chapter 16


I rolled over groaning "5 more minutes" I mumbled into my pillow

"NO! GET UP NOW!" she called from down stairs

How did she hear me?

My bedroom door flew open and a happy looking Daisy ran into the room jumping on top of me

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALY!" she screamed in my ear causing me to fall out of my bed

"DAISY! I'm right here! No need to YELL!" I got up glaring and went over to my calender above my bed

It was indeed July 31st. I smiled. MY PARTY IS TONIGHT! EEP!

I squealed and Daisy jumped on my back "YOUR SEVENTEEN!"

"SO ARE YOU!" I laughed

"Yeah I know, but its not everyday my bestest friend in the whole world turns the big one, seven! Your party is gonna be rockin" she swayed her hips and walked over to the mirror, dancing seductively In front of it

"Your party will still be the best and you know it"

Daisy's 17th Birthday Party was the best party our school has ever known.

It was on January the 19th and mostly everyone in school was there, plus a local guys school Daisy knew.

It was a pool party at her house (which is a mansion!) and there were over 350 teenagers there. It. Was. Crazy

Danny Duke tried to kiss Daisy, he got a black eye

Rolley Junior punched this Leb kid

All the guys had a mud fight and ended up jumping in the pool together

About 50 girls including Daisy salsa danced to the guys just like it was rehearsed.

It was the best.

Now I'm having a party with over 400 people (Daisy upped the guest list)

The funny thing was, we didn't actually have a lot of setting up to do. On the beach we were having a huge bar with 20 bartenders, an enormous bon fire with logs surrounding it for sitting and a Dj with over a kilometre of surround sound, and 10 000 lights surrounding the beach. All courtesy of Daisy's family.

We headed down to the beach to help the people setting up the beach. Daisy's mother and father hired people to set everything up. They hired bouncers too!

They also called the council and got a approved Bon fire license.

When we arrived at the beach it looked amazing! There were thousands of little lights hanging from the palm tree's and on the sand, glowing different colours.

I was worried at first, at the naked flames licking the tree leaves, but apparently it wasn't real fire, just a trick of the lights. The bar stretched around in a semi circle and man was it long. About 20 metres long with a million different bottles behind the counter.

I noticed on the deck, the DJ booth. It was smaller than I thought but Daisy pointed out all the speakers surrounding the beach. She said something really mechanically about how loud it will be but I didn't catch it.

We crossed the sand, walking up to a guy with a clipboard. He looked kinda powerful.

"Hi Roy" Daisy greeted him

He smiled at her then looked at me "Oh is this the birthday girl?"

I nodded and he stuck out his hand "Roy Charles. Manager of this here shindig"

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