Mind Reader (12)

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Chapter 12

I just stood there. Unknowing what to do. I mean, my best friend just left. Left me. My mind raced, answers to questions and questions to answers...

"Aly? What the hell are you doing out here in the dark?" my mouth was glued shut. I wanted to scream, to wail, to sob and sob and sob but nada. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" I didn't even know who it was. But you know that feeling when you stop crying, then someone asks you if your okay, then you restart your crying? Well, that is what is happening.

By the smell of my hugger, I think its Daisy. Funny, she actually wears perfume that smells like Daisies.

Why does such crap happen to me! Ugh.

Some how I found my voice and it was dry and crusty "Daisy? Can we go home?" she nodded into my hair

"Of course"

Someone picked me up from behind and carried me to the car. I felt Daisy's hand over mine the whole time and I knew it was Xavier behind me.

The ride home was silent. Partly because my eyelids were so heavy I couldn't keep them open, and partly because both Xavier and Daisy were infuriated with Lukas. I wanted to tell them that it wasn't his fault, that it was actually my fault but once again my throat ceased to work.

I felt myself being lifted from the car and into the house but that was all I remember because I'm pretty sure I drifted into slumber sometime between the car and the front door.


Daisy's POV

Argh, I'm so angry at the moment I actually had tears swell up. I blinked them back and stood up stretching. I grabbed my phone and dialled speed dial #2. (best friends always are #1)

He picked up on the first ring

"mmm" he mumbled

"hey babe"

"Daisy? Is that you?"

I laughed "who else calls you babe?"

"My mum" he replied, without skipping a beat. I laughed and I heard him chuckle on the other end "What's up?" I heard him crack his knuckles and I flinched

"I wish you wouldn't crack your knuckles like that! And nothing. A bit upset is all"

I heard the distant rumble of an engine "Where are you going?" I asked curious

"To see you"

"I'm not at home. I'm at Aly's" no, no, no

"Okay, where's that?" crap.

I gave him the address and hung up. Crap. I know she's asleep but what if she woke up? How could I explain to her that Lukas isn't the only one lying to her. I have been hiding a boyfriend but 2 months. Ugh. I went downstairs to wait. I sat on the bottom step of the stairs and tapped my foot. What if Xavier comes back to check up on her? Dammit. Oh no, what if Lukas comes? CRAP! I decided to cancel Holland when the doorbell rang


I groaned and shuffled over to the door. I ran my fingers through my hair and yanked it open. Naturally, my breath caught I scanned his body. He was the perfect guy and I'm not just saying that. He is hot, muscular, sexy and has a great personality. He is wonderful. MY wonderful Holland.

I looked at his feet, which had nothing on them, then to his baggy jeans that hung off his hips, then to his faded dark blue hoodie and then to his shaggy brown hair that flopped on his face and last but certainly not least, his eyes. Uhhhhh! My knees always buckled when I look into his eyes. They are dark blue and gorgeous.

"Hey" I whispered. The crease between his brow was back and he raised a perfect eyebrow

"What's wrong?" awww. I loved how cute he is when he's worried! I pulled him inside and over to the lounge room.

"Nothing at all" I said seductively, pushing him down on the lounge and jumping on top of him. He was surprised but delighted. He grabbed my waist and positioned me over his hips, before grabbing my face with both hands and crashed his lips against mine.

Uhhhh he tasted so delicious! He tasted like...peppermint and smelt like Lynx

I grabbed his hoodie and yanked it off. He grabbed my hands "Uh, where's Aly?" he looked around the room "Nice house by the way"

"She is asleep" I said shrugging and I continued undressing him as fast as I could, kissing his neck and running my tongue down his 6 pack, listening to him groan and moan. I smiled against his stomach.

Ah, sweet success.


Hey sorry about the short chapter! i have to go somewhere!

Comment and Vote!!!??

later days!


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