Mind Reader (13)

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Chapter 13

Back to Alissa's POV

The next day was spent planning my seventeenth birthday party. It was in two weeks and we hadn't done any planning! This morning I felt incredibly bad for Daisy for having to stick around all night so I decided to put on my best smile and do something she enjoyed. Hence the party planning. But when I came downstairs she had a super huge grin on her face and she had sex hair. I laughed at her expression and sat down next to her stealing, a pancake off her plate

"Oi, they are mine!" she squealed slapping my arm. I giggled and ruffled her hair

"Sex hair?" she blushed and looked down. Since when did she blush over a one night stand?

"Since when do you blush over a one night stand?" I said putting my thoughts to my mouth. She looked at me and I searched her eyes for something I couldn't put my finger on...

HA! i knew what to do. I usually don't do it, but recently i have been breaking alot of rules so i internally shrugged and closed my eyes for a brief second...

WHOA! i was pulled straight into a scene with Daisy sitting on somebody's lap. This SOMEBODY was cute. Very cute. Too cute infact to be a one night stand!! he looks almost, boyfriend material..

i felt her emotions. I felt her lust for him. Her happiness that she feels when she's with him, the honesty between them.

She looked into the boys eyes and i felt something else between them. A different emotion altogether. They leaned closer and closer until they touched lips and the emotion struck me like lightening.

I opened my eyes and blinked.

Oh my god.

"YOUR IN LOVE!!!!" I screeched making Daisy fall off her high stool. She came down with a bang and I went to pick her up. She was laughing and actually had tears in her eyes. Were they from laughing, or...what?

"You...your...face!!" she managed in between giggles. I slapped her arm and shook her shoulders. She calmed down and all was left was her quiet hiccups

"Who is it?"

"You don't know him" she waved her hand and walked away. I opened my mouth, then closed it. I ran after her and tapped her shoulder. She spun around and looked at me "His name is Holland. Aly, I think I love him"

Whoa. Daisy in love? That's un heard of! "cool" I muttered. She laughed and hugged me

"So, whats on for today?"

"Well, I was thinking...we maybe, possibly, if you wanted too..." looking at my nails... "Plan my birthday part-" before I could finish she cut me off

"OH MY GOD! EEP! YAY! THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!" she ran past me and up the stairs "are you coming or not?" I laughed and followed her up to my room. When I got there, she already have my Mac out and typing furiously "i can't believe you put me in charge, best ever. How many people? Who's house? Yours? Probably since it is your birthday party..will Lukas come? What about Holland?" she was blabbering on, not really talking to me so I just sat down and grabbed my ipod.

I knew she would be done in 15 minutes, so I plopped in my ear phones and leaned back in my squishy arm chair.


"I love you Alissa" I smiled looking at my beauty, my love.

He spun me around the dance floor, my white dress blowing around us both, listening to the music I didn't know. He chose the song, it was lovely, and yet I needed something that I could dance too. He leaned my head back and hovered above my neck, just like Edward did to Bella.

"Are you ready, right now?"

"Yes" I managed to croak. He leaned down, and kissed my neck. I shivered and looked into his eyes.

The next song that came on was "Rude Boy" by Rihanna. I giggled and let go of his hand. I bent down and ripped my dress, making a short, tight mini dress that some how managed to turn into a strapless.

I grinded and bounced to the music, keeping my arms into the air the whole time.

I ran up to Ryan, kissing him full on the mouth before he whispered in my ear

"I love you Alissa Anderson"


"ALY!" Daisy screamed in my ear and I jerked up, dropping my ipod, which landed with a thunk. I glared at her and she smirked.

Wow. What a dream.

"I can't believe you fell asleep you loser!" she grabbed my hand and pulled me over to my bed which had papers everywhere "Okay, so here is your party planned out perfectly. We are going to have it here" she pointed to a beach "It's just the pleasantview beach so no worries. We are going to have a bonfire and drinks and music and dancing and, and, and BOYS!" she looked at me expectantly, her eyes lighting up.

"Well, I guess it's okay..." she dropped her gaze and her shoulders slumped. "I LOVE IT DAISY OF COURSE I DO!!" she squealed and jumped up and down hugging me close.

"Here's the guest list" she handed me a piece of paper I scanned it, noticing a lot of people from our grade, but heaps from the grade above and a few I didn't know

"Who are these guys?" I asked curiously, pointing to 7 guys

"Oh that is Holland and the guys. There is Holland, Josh, Joey, JJ, Lachlan, Ben & Adam. They are sooo nice and Josh is a uber hotty who has a crush on you" she winked at me. I smiled but I knew it wasn't convincing "What? This isn't about that loser, old guy is it?"

"His name is Ryan! And he isn't old! He is 23!" I crossed my arms and she sighed. I heard scratching and the sound of a pen and I opened one eye. Daisy had the guest list in her hand and a pen in the other "What are you doing??" I leaned over her shoulder and gasped.

She had crossed out someone's name and wrote "Ryan Loser" instead. I smiled and hugged her from behind. "Thank you" I whispered and she grunted. She hated me messing with her plans "I love the party" she turned and grinned

"Thank YOU!"

I giggled and sat down sighing, looking at my party plans. This is going to be the best party ever, I just knew it.

"Hey daisy, is Lukas invited?"

"Yeah why?"

I smiled "no reason".

She came back from my bathroom looking puzzled "what?" I asked

She came sat next to me "What the hell are you going to wear????"

I thought of that for a moment before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen and doodling my idea on the page. I handed it to Daisy and she gasped. I pointed to the drawing, "That" I said.


SORRY about the last two short chapters! the next few will be longer, promise!


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