Chapter~6:Flirty Mcflirt flirt Preview

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I'm terrible I know! Anyways you'll see later on who won the contest.(We all know who won btw!) Enjoy! Oh ya look at the pic above to see how the class seats look like to have a better idea.

Just a preview for canadiankisses
*•*•*•* Stellas POV•*•*•*•

SQUASH. SQUASH. SQUASH. The sound of my sneakers squeaking against the Shiney White floor. Locker 208, 204, 200. Yay, My brand new personal garbage can. Bright in blue, just the way I like it.

I turned the locker combo in, put the books that I'm never gonna use inside and close it. Not saying that as a arrogant jerk, I'm just too smart. I can't believe I got stuck in this dump. I rest my forehead on the cold locker, rethinking everything I've done since I got back.

1 thing I realized is I've been acting like scared little teenybopper trying to ask their teenybopper crush out! I'm Stella Noir, I don't take BS from anybody!!! So why should I take it from myself!?!

The rain was really Coming down...BUT MY ANGER WAS GOING ALL THE WAY UP!!! I marched to class 378b door and peek through the window. To see the stereotypical nerd alert science teacher. With huge black glasses, a sweater his mother probably knitted. For his 47th birthday and to top it off the ugliest brown pants I've ever seen.

Bonus round! How many subway stains can you find in 10 seconds?!? 1(three stains)2(five stains),3(seven and a half stains) 45678910 seconds. In total I found 14.5 subways stains!!! That should be illegal.

Plus his greasy black hair that's thinning didn't look too good either. You oblivously can tell the students weren't playing attention. People were throwing hypothesis notes like paper airplanes. Low key dance parties in the corner of the room. Any idiot could tell this guy, was not meant to teach kids. Working at a graveyard would have been better. At least they don't talk, unless they're zombies.

Anyseashore Not knocking was like my signature move. I Busted down the door and I was like "Oi where's my seat teach!?!". I didn't actually say that. Nevertheless I've always admired the brave people who did.

"W-who are you?" He questioned, adjusting his glasses. I Stepped towards him and whispered in his ear. "Hey, Mr.sir I know you just met me but I would love to get your students attention for you!" I gave the opportunity to Mr. Sir. "U-um you can try but, I can't guarantee that they'll listen." He leaned forwarded whispering with his nasty subway breath.

I quickly glanced to find the perfect idiot in room. The back row should have good canadiates. Not much to chose from. Let's see...we got the 24/7 420 dudes (if you know what i mean), the cliché bad boy no thanks. Ahh the unnatural blonde girl seems perfect for the job! When she talks she's like a really high per chicken. She's clearly trying to get the guy, beside her with the ashy lips attention. The guy could care less

I can certainly help her with that. I slowly tip toe to her desk she's sharing. Creeping up to flirty Mcflirt flirt...

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