Chapter~3: The dancing fashion icon who might be on drugs.

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*•*•* Stella's POV *•*•* I'm writing this on a different device then usual so if some things look weird don't be to surprised Enjoy!

"Ma'am,ma'am please you have
to wake up before we crash into the ocean!" A voice said that sounded like a women. Shaking me back and forth in a urgent fashion.

Immediately I'm up off my seat. Looking for the prankster who woke me up.The feminine voice, who turns out to be a flight attendant backs up and gives me some space.

"WHAT! I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE I DIDN'T EVEN GET A PET HIPPO FOR CHRISTMAS!" As I check my surroundings, I notice that we're on the ground or the runway. People are exiting the plane CALMLY not freaking out or drowning.

I give the flight attendant a questioning look.

"Umm... I'm going to go on a limb and say that we've arrived at brashville?" I assumed pointing my thumb towards the window.

"Yes, we've have arrived for a long time hun I've been trying to wake you up for the last 7 minutes." She spoke in a cheerful voice. Having her hands folded in front of her.

"So do you use that whole dying tactic a lot on people or just me?" I questioned the sweet/psycho looking woman. She's literally smiling creepily at me. Which indicates she's probably a drug dealer.

"It works like a charm each time on tonnes of people but, sometimes we are actually going to crash in the ocean." She simply explained. Wanting to get away from this psycho/sweet/drug dealer/Caring mother as soon as possible. I made up some lame excuse.

"It's getting pretty late I should probably go it was nice to meet you-"

"Joyce my name is Joyce." She spoke cheerfully which made me want to puke. She shaked my tired hand in a fast motion.

"Stella well, have a good night." I said as I walked off the plane.

When I reached the overcrowded airport I went through the whole process again then it finally hit me. Where am I staying with or who? I swear if they have some pedophile mojo going on fûck that shît I'm out. I walked around with my heavy luggage for 5 minutes or so. I pass by multiple people holding cards with names on them. They basically blocked the damn entrance/exit.

"Noir Stella, Ms. Noir, Stella Noir, Stella ella hola?" Someone called from a distance.

"That's me I'm Stella!" The person who was calling my name was a man who was very short middle age man with rankles all over.

"Hello, Ms.Stella I'm Ethan your tax driver if you please step into the car well I get your luggage we'll be heading to the Rivals." He look at me with Bright eyes. Why is everyone in this damn town so cheerful!

"Oh okay but, just remember I know how to punch things." I stated proudly making my hands into fist and punching the air as I stepped into the taxi.

"Of course, you do miss Stella." He giggled well putting my luggage in the trunk.

Where have I heard the last name Rivals....I....Maybe..nope I got nothing.

The drive was like a blur with my headphones on listening to music and wanting to sleep with great passion.The streets passing with great brightness.The cars swooshing by without a care. The smell of fresh country like air. The trees- "We're here Miss Stella your luggage is at the front door."

"Wow that was fast thanks for the ride Ethan how much do I owe you?"

"Don't worry about it the Rivals are long time friends no charge."

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