prologue ✔

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7 years ago. . .

"Code red lockdown, this is not a drill! Everyone get into your safe place!" our assistant principal yelled through the intercom. The classroom became hectic and everyone scrambled to be the first to get behind the teacher's desk.

Many of the kids were throwing curses to one another as they all squished up together. Dana, my best friend, and I decided to wait it out before making ourselves comfortable. Of course we were closest to the door, but being all squished up behind a desk would make it difficult to leave if someone with a gun were to burst in through the classroom door.

We didn't have many lockdowns, so of course most of us were freaked out, including Dana as she gripped my arm in panic.

Looking over at her, I frowned as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She genuinely looked terrified with her puffy eyes and contorted frown. I then wanted to hurt whoever it was that was causing her to feel the way she was at that moment.

"It's going to be okay," I whispered reassuringly, before a blood-curdling scream resonated through the hallways beyond the wooden door.

She shook her head violently as the teacher, Mrs. Washington, tried calming down the other kids.

"How are you so sure?" she questioned me timidly, hiding her face with the palm of her hand.

"I won't let them get to you, Dana. You're my best friend and I would die trying to protect you," I said. She sent me a weak smile before she pulled me into a quick hug.

Gun shots echoed throughout the hallway and even more screams pierced the air. By now, almost every kid in the classroom was crying.

Standing up, I ran over to the other side of the classroom and grabbed the remnants of wood that was left after Mrs. Washington had renovated the room.

She scolded me quickly but ignoring her, I continued on what I was doing, standing by the door ready for what I knew was about to come.

Unfortunately, the doors to the school didn't have locks which made it fairly easy for predators. They were banned from the school due to a teacher that had held a protest against them in the gymnasium.

Once the screaming ended and it all became silent once again, I tensed even more. Yes, the screaming made me feel uneasy but so did the silence that came afterwards. What happened? Is everyone okay?

My questions were cut short when the door opened revealing a bald man with a sinister grin on his face. His grey, beady eyes were dull and lifeless and the black mask that was covering half of his face, made it almost impossible to place him.

His hand was clasped around a gun, it also stained with blood. My eyes widened in horror as the rest of the kids sat in place. To them, they were okay since he was only focused on me but Dana however, wasn't having it.

As the man stepped forwards to grab me, I suddenly remembered the piece of wood that was dangling from my hand.

"Leave her alone!" Dana screamed causing me to cringe. I didn't want the attention from him placed upon her. I send her a scolding and pointed look causing her to frown at me before standing up.

As he was observing the blonde-headed girl with a knowing smile, I took the chance and swung the piece of wood at him─hitting him directly in the head and causing him fall to the ground, unconscious. Dropping the wood plank before grabbing his gun, I turn back towards the shocked kids and frantic teacher.

"Let's go!" I order everyone to stand up and make a run out of the classroom and down the stairs, us making it out of the school, thankfully, with no issues of any kind.

Kids were dividing up and of course, Dana stuck with me as we began running through the woods.

Our school was secluded in a woody area and it didn't do us any justice in situations like these.

"Ava!" Dana screamed out causing both of us to halt in our tracks.

Two men were tracking us and as they got closer, I gripped the gun harshly into my hand until my knuckles turned to a pale white.

Pushing Dana forward as a sign for her to keep running, she refuses. As I look over at her to yell, her face suddenly becomes pale and the last thing I ever wanted to hear was the sound of a gun.

Tears leap to my eyes as Dana falls to the ground and I clenched my jaw before standing up to face the men.

I may actually have to murder someone...


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