With her beauty and her manners, she won over the people of Redbane quickly.  But that did not mean she won the hearts of anyone who had political standing.  Anyone who had political power brushed her off as a clueless puppet, one that they could use later on to control Raiden should they get the chance of introduction.  But for the time being, everyone left her alone, thinking how useless she was.  The close generals and ministers to Prince Raiden also thought so until yesterday.  It was well into the night, when they found out about the Redwood Forest burning.  There were reports of large amounts of shadow spies in the forest and they were just about to finalize a plan to simultaneously kill the large congregation of shadow spies all over Redbane.  When Ichi came back, in less then 20 minutes, his report said the Redwood Forest fire had already been put out.  While there was a headed argument happening about what happened, Prince Raiden's trusted bodyguard came to report to him and the whole room. 

The first big information was how the Princess Consort protected her servant.  Believing her servant, she defended him and charged the aggressors with false charges and failing to greet royalty, even if she is royalty in name only.  The last charge alone, is punishable by death, with out a trial as long as there were more than 20 people who witnessed the event.  In her situation it was her whole neighbors, her neighbor's servants, the accuser and his servants, along side the Brooks servants and guards. There was no refuting how many people that were there. Any of them could step up to be witnesses should there be inquiry of the incident.  After charging them, she suppressed everyone, including her people, with her killing intent and made everyone kneel.  She then killed the accuser's servants and the accuser with out mercy.  Everyone who came out to watch the commotion was forced to watch the brutal killings.  She put fear in everyone's heart when they heard.  She put fear and admiration in their hearts, but mostly fear. 

Then San told them about her missing grandfather and uncle.  How she forced her uncle's men to tell her where they went and she, Roku and San along side her animals to call were able to annihilate the shadows and rescue her family and guards.  How he described the fighting and the powers that Princess Consort and her animals possessed, the whole room was terrified and amazed, but she scared them even more.  Their future Queen is not one to underestimate. Especially with three animals to call and her fire element energy.

Prince Raiden on the other hand had a smile on his face.  His face showed pride as if he chose the right women to be the future Queen of Redbane.  To Tyler and Westly, they were surprised when they were summoned to Brooks Estate to talk to Prince Raiden. They have never seen the property when Merchant Sato lived there, but when they walked through the front gate, they could see it's beauty and know why one would want to buy and live on such a beautiful estate. 

When they sat down with Prine Raiden to talk, the servants were efficient and orderly.  Neither staying too close to hear their conversation, but close enough if they should be called to serve them.  As the Princess Consort walked in, she stole everyone's attention and when she smiled, it was as if the sun shined just for you. 

"Are you guys done staring at my Consort?" Raiden said icily as cold air blew at them.  

"Sorry, we did not mean to offend, Princess Consort."  Westly said first. 

"No offense was taken." Jewels said. "Shall we sit? Dinner should be ready soon. General Hillbeck and General Timer, should stay and have dinner with us."

Tyler and Westly looked at each other for an answer but Jewels made their decisions for them.

"I didn't say 'if you would like to stay for dinner', I said you 'should stay and have dinner with us'. Besides, it would be my pleasure to have the both of you join us.  Eating is a more joyous occasion when we eat with others don't you agree?" 

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