Truth and Justice

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Truth and Justice

Jewels laid panting in his arms as he had taken complete control and laid claim to her body in every spot in his room and in different positions. He was a complete animal that afternoon and she let herself go, bending and submitting herself to his will, his wants and his needs. She gave herself to him physically, showing how much she cared, knowing she wasn't ready to tell him verbally yet. Once the words where said, she could no longer take them back, so when she said those words, she wanted it to be special.

They lay in each others arms and watched as the room slowly got dark as the sun set for the day. Jewels was a peace and everything felt right at that moment. She was happy. She no longer thought of her past betrayals, of James or Prince Ivan. She no longer thought or cared about her past life and wanted to live her current life to the fullest. She now lived in Redbane with the family, that she cared for. Uncle Jude was cured and she's in the process of curing Pop pop. She has her own house that she bought with her own money, she has money and lots of it! Her Master and senior disciples lived in the same city and not too far from her. Her love, loved her back. He said he would move mountains and the sky to be with her, that he would defy even his father so they can be together and with her help, he was able to break his engagement and tie himself to her. She realized she was truly happy. And she realized she referred to Raiden as her love.

"What are you thinking." Raiden asked her. And without thinking she blurted out the last thing she was thinking about.

"I love you."

The room was quiet for a second before Raiden pulls her on top of him and hugs her tightly to him. He wraps his legs around her and traps her within his embrace. He kisses her lips passionately letting her know that he felt the same way too. When they broke apart from the kiss, Raiden pushes her hair that fell forward and hooks it around her ear. With shining, wet eyes and a shit eating smile, Raiden tells her how he feels too.

"I love you too."

"I wasn't planning on telling you." She confessed. "I wanted it to be special when I finally told you, but when you all of sudden asked me what I was thinking, I just suddenly blurted out what I was thinking."

"Every time you tell me would be a special occasion," Raiden told her. "And I'm glad you told me because I feel the same way."

Jewels's eyes tears up, but remembering that he hated to see her cry, she kisses him instead. And they make love through out the whole night.


Two weeks later

Uncle Jude's men from the special forces started coming into town. Jewels was able to spot a few thanks to the Infinite Galaxy. If she didn't have the metal bracer on, she would have overlooked every person that the bracer pointed out. They all took rooms in different parts of the town and when Jewels went to the city to run an errand, she was able to pick them out if she saw them.

By the end of the first month in Redbane, the guardhouse and her work building was a built. Pop pop's blacksmith workshop was almost complete. Pop pop was getting more and more excited as Jewels told him that the tonic that she made was successful, however, it took two weeks for the mixture to settle. Today would be the first day for Pop pop to try the tonic and today was the first day that Uncle Jude's special forces soldiers would enter the Brooks Estate under the disguise as Brooks Guards.

When she entered the dining room, Pop pop quickly got up, excited to try the Unbinding tonic. Jewels held in her hands a big jar the size of four of her heads, she had to carry it slowly without spilling a single drop. When Uncle Jude saw her struggling, he stood up to help and and place the jar on the dining room table. Jewels took the cover off and the smell of the tonic smelled pleasant due to Fenghuang's tears.

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