Rowen History

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Rowen History

Jewels heart dropped when she heard the young Princess call Raiden "beloved." The smile that was on her face, quickly dropped along with her eyes before she quickly caught herself and plastered a fake smile on her face that did not reach her eyes.

"Princess Anna, this is this Prince's golden gift. This Prince's golden gift, this is Princess Anna or Mulberry. " Raiden said as he introduced them to each other.

Jewels stood up from her grandmother's side and bowed to her formally. Her Grandmother did not wait for Jewels to bow all the way when she pulled Jewels up so she could stand.

"Granddaughter," Duchess Rowen said. "Come sit by your Grandmother. Your Grandmother misses you!"

Obeying her grandmother she sits down next to Duchess Rowen and Aunt Nora sits down on the other side of Jewels. The three of them start conversing while leaving Princess Anna standing in front of them. When Princess Anna finally got the clue that Duchess Rowen was snubbing her out of the conversation, she turns to Prince Raiden to talk to him. However Raiden was engaged in conversation with Uncle Sam that Prince Raiden's back was facing Princess Anna. Seeing her family give slight to Princess Anna, Jewels heart secretly rejoiced.

After spending a good two hours talking with her Grandmother and Aunt. Jewels excused herself to the ladies room. After finishing her business, she came out of the room to find herself bombarded with ten maids. The lead maid walked up to her and looked her up and down with judgement on her face before telling her why they were there.

"You need to come with us." The maid said.

Not paying any of them any mind, Jewels walks forward to walk past them when she was grabbed by the maid. Jewels knocks the hand away and punches the maid in the face. Blood gushed out of her nose and Jewels knows that she broke the maid's nose.

"I don't need to do anything, especially follow you." Jewels said. She looked around her and she knew she could beat all the maids with her eyes closed.

Anther maid steps forward and says. "Our Lady wishes to meet with you."

"If she wants to talk to me then she should come talk to me instead of sending her minions to do her biding. I am not some dog you or your Mistress can call or dismiss."

"If you do not come with us, you will force our hands and you will regret not following us when we asked nicely!" The second maid said.

"Oh, I have a feeling the only people who is going to regret this is all of you and your Mistress. Me? I'm going to enjoy every minute of this!" Jewels said.

Two maid jumped towards Jewels aiming to grab her arms. Jewels easily punches them, hitting them in their face and knocking them unconscious. When she felt two more maid grab her hair, Jewels spins around and slaps them in the face with the back of her hands. She infused her fire energy into her hits so they would feel the maximum pain. Not only will they feel a stinging pain, but the fire energy will burn deep underneath their skin, leaving them not only a bruise, but a burn mark as well. Jewels purposefully aimed to hit their faces because she wanted them to remember who she was and what she did to them every time they looked into the mirror.

Jewels quickly took down the rest of the maids and the last one standing. The only reason why she was left standing was because she was too afraid to attack Jewels and hesitated. Jewels grabs the maid's hair and wraps it around her hand and pulls her head back.

"Tell me," Jewels said with a menacingly smile. "Who is this Mistress that you serve?"

When tears started falling down the maids eyes, Jewels smiled even brighter.

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