In The Name Of Revenge

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In The Name Of Revenge

The three men stood still, not really believing that Julianna would kill her Uncle.

"That was a joke right? What you just said. You don't really mean to kill me, right?"

"Of course I do," Julianna said as she started to throw more medical herbs into the larger pot making the clear water slowly turn black. "But I think you guys misunderstand my intentions."

Julianna continued to stir the thick black liquid as she kept an eye on the Silver Grass tea. Once the Silver Grass tea boiled, Julianna took it off the fire and turned back to the larger cauldron stirring it constantly.

"This," Julianna pulled out the Dark Death flower." Is called the Dark Death, its use is to detoxify your body of poison while killing you the same time. Once you're dead, this," Julianna pointed at the Silver Grass tea, "will bring you back."

"So, I must die to live?"

"Yes, but you will be under my care, so you will certainly not die with me around. You just have to trust me."

Uncle Jude nods, determined to go through the treatment. Although Thomas had his doubts, he did not voice his concern. He trusted his master's word. If he agreed and believed the young Miss then so would he.

After awhile, the big cauldron started boiling and with the help of Thomas, Pop pop and Julianna, the three of them moved the cauldron off the fire pit and Thomas put out the fire.

"Now what?" Thomas asked as Julianna neither said or moved from her spot.

Julianna removed the petals off the flower and threw the steam and root into the pot. Once the root and steam hit the surface of the medical concoction, the once black liquid turned a bright red. The three men gasped as they all saw the change in the cauldron.

"Now we wait," Julianna said. "We have to wait for it to cool down. I don't want to cook Uncle after all."

They waited for an hour for the concoction to cool off enough that it wouldn't burn Uncle Jude.

"When I turn my back around, I need Uncle Jude to undress and get into the cauldron. Submerge your whole body completely." Julianna directed as she walked away from the men and waited as Thomas helped Uncle Jude out of his clothes and get into the cauldron.

"Finished." Uncle Jude said to Julianna.

Turning back around she walked up to him and gave him the petals of Dark Death.

"Next you need to chew and swallow each petal slowly. The petals will help detoxify you from the inside as the medical concoction will help detox you from the outside. Now, before you eat the petals. Do you have any questions for me?"

Shaking his head no, Uncle Jude slowly ate each petal one by one as his eyes slowly started closing. Once he finished the last of the petals, his breathing slowly stoped and his body lost all strength. While the three of them stood by as Uncle Jude died in front of them. Thomas started panicking looking between Julianna and Jude. But as Thomas was about to say something he noticed how the red concoction started turning black again. Jude's body oozed out thick, black, tar like poison from his body. The once red liquid turned black quickly. Julianna turned around and grabbed the Silver Grass tea and poured out a cup's worth of tea into a cup. Julianna also grabbed a pipette off the table before reaching in front of  Uncle Jude.

"Thomas help me prop up Uncle Jude's head back and open his mouth." Julianna ordered.

Once Uncle Jude was in position, Julianna drew up the Silver Grass tea into the pipette and released the tea into the back of Uncle Jude's throat. The liquid went down his throat and his breath slowly came back. Once the whole cup was finished did Julianna order Thomas to take out Uncle Jude and dry him off before laying him down on one of the patient beds in the building. By the time Thomas finished, Uncle Jude's breath was steady, however he had not waken up yet.

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