Auction House

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Auction House

One Week Later

As Jewels predicted, one of the servants did betray the Brooks household and Estate. Jacob, with the easy smile and jovial demeanor, did not believe Jewels when she told them about the Betrayal's Death pill. He was sent on an errand into the city to purchase more wood and to arrange the delivery to the Brooks Estate the very same day. He accomplished his task and decided to visit his old neighborhood bar to brag. He started bragging about where he lived and how good he was living, how easy the work was and how much he was getting paid. When he did not die like Jewels told him, he thought she was just lying, so when he wanted to tell them about Jewels's animal to call, the first two words he said out loud was lost in his throat. His lips moved but no words came out. He grabbed his neck, gasping for air while the people around him panicked and one friend ran to go get a doctor for help. Jacob's lips turned blue and the poison released into his brain and he lost all knowledge of what was happening, except the fact that he couldn't breathe. In his panic state, the poison hit his dantians and all the energy he cultivated in his body turned black with poison, crushing all three dantians and vein in his body. Jacob slowly died, not knowing who he was, where he was and why he was dying, he died knowing that he was suffocating to death.

Jacob's body was brought to Brooks Estate after the doctor declared him dead. The doctor told Jewels and Uncle Jude that he died of poisoning that caused him to suffocate. Jewels thanked the doctor and paid him for his services. She presented Jacobs body to everyone, letting them see how serious she was about Betrayal's Death and how horrible their death would be if they betrayed the Brooks household.

"This is the result if you betray us." Jewels warns them. "If you thought I was joking, or telling a lie about the Betrayal's Death pill, here is your proof. I have no use for those who will betray this household, nor do I care about why you thought you had to do it. I said it once and I'll say it again right now. If you are in trouble, come to me or Uncle Jude and we will help solve your problem together. Betray us and die, that is simple."

"What shall we do with the body." Thomas asked.

"If he has family, give them the wages that we owe him for his days of work, but no more for he had not been a servant for this household for us to feel as if we are responsible to take care of his family. Give him a decent coffin and funeral if he has family. If he doesn't have a family, a nice coffin will suffice and bury in any cemetery under the name Jacob Oath Breaker.

Thomas tasked Liam and Aiden in the task. When they found out he had a young wife and child, they gave let her know of his misfortune and gave her his wages. They told her that the Brooks Estate would pay for every funeral expense so she did not have to worry about it. Feeling sad but thankful, the funeral and burial was held the same day.

Jacob had a lot of enemies due to his charm and looks. Many husbands and fathers were angry at him for his wandering ways tempting their wives and daughters into his bed. So when word spread that he died because of poisoning, no one was surprised. It could have been a jealous husband, an angry father, or a jilted lover. It didn't matter to them who it was, he was dead and their lives would be a lot easier if he stayed dead.

His young wife was also glad he was dead. She fell in love with him, but all he did was break her heart. He was infatuated with her for two weeks and then he left her alone in the house by herself. When she found out she was pregnant, he stayed away from the house even more and let her raise the child by herself. By the time he got the job at the Brooks Estate, she was carrying on an affair with the neighbor who truly loved her and wanted to have a family with her. With Jacob's wages, she was able to start a new life with her new husband.

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