A Glutton For Punishment

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A Glutton For Punishment

Doku quickly wrote all the ingredients down on a piece of paper and handed it to Jewels.

"Take this, most of the herbs are readily available. However there are three herbs on that list that will take time for you to find. Luckily I have one of those three herbs that you need, I'll give it to you, but under a condition." Doku told her.

Knowing that Doku would not give any herbs for free, she didn't even try to ask him to give it to her just because she was his disciple. He was someone who believed in working hard to get what they want.

"Which herb do you have and what is the condition?" Jewels asked.

"I have the Greenbells herbs, stored in my room. When you need it all you have to do is ask for it and I'll give it to you. My condition is the Madewell tournament. It is in two and a half months. If I give you the herb, I want you to enter the competition. It doesn't matter if you win."

"That's it?"

"Yes, but I want you to try your best. I don't want you to lose on purpose, that would be shameful. You don't have to win the tournament. Just be in the top 5 in your level group and I will be a happy Master."

"Okay." Jewels agreed.

Madewell Tournament is held every 3 years. It is open to Madewell subjects over the age of 14. The rules to the tournament is simple. Defeat your opponent and win. Each participant are put into different groups. Depending on what your cultivation level is, you'll be facing off with other participants that are in the same cultivation level. So level 3-level 5 will be a group and be pitted against each other. Level 6-level 8 will be a group together, then you have level 9-level 10 fighting each other. Someone who is level 3 will not fight someone who is level 10, the difference in skills would be too great and would seem like bullying. The top 5 from each group will be awarded with the opportunity to board the Sky Ship and explore for 5 days. Any valuable item that you find on the ship, you can keep. The only down side to Sky Ship is that there are monsters living on the ship. The possibility of death is high, however the valuable items found would cost more money that one can spend in a life time.

Giving Jewels direction to the areas that she could find the two herbs, Doku dismisses her quickly to find them. Walking to the outside courtyard, she could see Fudo and Roku in a heated private discussion. She could feel the soundless barrier's powers pushing her body. As if it was encouraging her to turn around and walk away. Fudo stood straight with his arms crossed over his chest as Roku had his arms resting on his hips. Fudo' usual congenial personality was gone and replaced with a stone face frown. Not wanting to disturb their conversation Jewels makes her way out to the carriage and gives the driver direction to Mirror Lake.

To get to Mirror Lake, Jewels traveled half a day and pass by four villages before reaching her destination. The sun had already set as they reached the lake. She instructed the driver to stay and watch the horse and carriage as she made her way to the lake. When Jewels reached the shore she follows it until the shoreline met with a dense forest. Within the dense forest, Jewels took off the outerwear of her clothes and folded them before placing them by a tree. She made her way back to the lake and starts to walk in. Once she was deep enough to start swimming, she swim to the center of the lake. Guessing that she was close to the destination, taking a deep breath, Jewels dives down. Swimming down deeper and deeper, everything became darker and darker. Not knowing when she would hit the bottom of the lake, all she could do is keep swimming.

Jewels hand grasped the tip of what felt like a submerged plant growing in the lake. Kicking her legs she drove deeper until her hand felt around and held on to a large rock. Feeling her way around the ground and moving the plants around she felt her lungs tightening. Knowing she had to swim back to the surface soon, she quickly turned around and kicked the ground pushing her body towards what she hoped was the surface.

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