Master Doku

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Master Doku

After Prince Raiden left, two of his maids and two of his bodyguards stayed behind to over see his move into the left wing of the Brooks Manor. Instead of seeing the interlopers out, Jewels announced to her Uncle and Pop pop that since it has been too long since she visited Wilder Orphanage, she would be heading there today to help them and visit the children.

Heading towards her carriage, she noticed one of Raiden's bodyguard standing beside the carriage.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Jewels asked.

"Lady Jewels, this servant's name is Roku. This servant's orders from Prince Raiden is to be your shield and sword."

"My shield and sword?" Jewels repeated. Her mood turned sour. She did not need a babysitter. Especially a babysitter who's allegiance is to Prince Raiden. "Let us enter the carriage and make our way to the Orphanage. We can talk once we are inside."

Nodding, Roku opened the door to the carriage and helped her get in. Roku stepped inside as well and sat opposite of her.

"So, tell me the truth Roku, not only were you sent to be my shield and sword as you so eloquently said, but you are also here to spy for your master."

"What Lady Jewels said is correct." Roku bowed to her.

"And what if I purposefully cause trouble for you to become my shield and sword? Wouldn't that be fun?!"

Roku smiled, "Lady Jewels can cause as much trouble as she wants, for this servant likes to have fun."

Shaking her head, "With a master like Prince Raiden, it's no wonder you are the way you are."

"This servant thanks Lady Jewels for her complement."

"Besides," Jewels sighed. "Even if I try not to seek trouble, trouble always seem to find me."

"This servant will remember these words and be more vigilant."

"I received word from Fudo early this morning about your visit." Jewels said while carefully studying Roku.

Roku's easy going demeanor stilled and froze for a heart beat before he relaxed and caught Jewels eyes. Roku did not realize how piercing her blue violet eyes are. It captivated Roku and he turned his gaze away from her.

"Now that I look at you closer, I can see the similarity between the two of you. Fudo says you look more like your father and Fudo takes after your mother."

"That is correct," Roku acknowledged, staring at the embroidery on the seat in front of him as if it was the most interesting thing he ever saw.

"Prince Raiden knows everything?" Jewels asked to confirm her suspicion.

Roku nods twice.

Seeing that Roku confirm it, Jewels nods once and turns her gaze to outside of the window. Of course Prince Raiden readily accepted her terms. Just the knowledge that she is the disciple of Doku anyone would accept any terms she set out. His move into the manor is to keep an eye on what he considers his "property". The intimacy they shared last night did not mean anything, Jewels told herself. She was his "property" to do what he wants. Besides he already has someone he likes.

Talking to her Uncle this morning about her situation, she tried to come up with ideas to see if she could get out of the fact that Raiden chose her as his golden gift. Uncle Jude told her with a heavy sigh that there was no way out of it. The announcement was made in front of witnesses and Harvey is her legal guardian. His decision to give her away was well within his rights. Not liking the fact that Jewels had no rights of her own in this world, it infuriated her. Her Uncle convinced her to make the most out the situation and talk it over with her master. Maybe there is something her Master could do to help her.

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