Fire & Lightning

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Fire & Lightning

By morning, both of Raiden and Jewels clothes were gone.  One blamed the other for the indecent behavior.

"How did YOUR clothes come off? The questions should be how did MY clothes come off! You're the pervert!" Jewels said back. "You're the one who insisted on sleeping in the same bed! You're also the one who holds me when we sleep, not the other way around. So of course it must be you who took off both of our clothes!"

"You're the one who kissed me first, if I recall correctly." Raiden shot back. "And who here is an exhibitionist? Who here gave me release in the lake?"

"Hey, I wasn't the only one who was naked at the lake," She reminded him.  "And that'll be the last time you get any release from me!"

Raiden's eyes burned with silent fury at her last statement.

"We'll see about that."  Raiden's said as he pinned her down on the bed. The blanket that they shared last night had been thrown away from them as Raiden made his move.  Holding Jewels hand above her  head he kissed her hard.  Wanting her to take back what she just said.  She had to take responsibility for all of her illicit act against him.  For some reason, it has been Jewels's touch that could calm the raging fire within his veins. 

When Raiden woke up after killing the platoon after his kidnapping and torture.  He found out that he had been in a high fever for two weeks. His body burned high and no one could help cure him. All they could do was watch him and make sure his temperature was kept down.  When he woke, that fire stayed within his veins. It would have been a great asset if he was a fire base energy cultivator, however Raiden is the first lightning base energy cultivator.  Over the years, he had learned how to tolerate the fire in his veins.  He learned how to use the fire in his veins to cultivate and strengthen his lightning powers within him. 

When Jewels first touched him, he felt the cool breeze for the first time in 20 years. He became excited and held on to her after their first kiss, enjoying the cool breeze.  When she left, the burning  fire came back and he had to see her again to make sure she was the reason why it went away.  When he confirmed it, he was resolute in his decision to make her his by hook or crook. The first night they spent together had been the first night he slept peacefully since the incident.  And when she used the denial of sex against their morning banter he lost his reasoning and wanted her to feel as if she needed him just as much as he needed her. 

His kisses drove her mad with crazy.  He pressed against her just enough to tease but not give in to her.  With one hand holding on to her hands above her head, the other explored her body.  His hand alternated between soft and light touches to hard and fast caresses.  Soon her body wriggled, wanting more. 

When their kiss broke, Raiden's hand reached the valley between her legs.

"Do you want release?" He asks.

"You're cruel." Jewels told him.

"It's a simple answer to a simple question.  Yes or no?"

Opening up her legs for him, he quickly took the opportunity to part her legs with his and his hand cupped her. 

He took his time learning what made her moan and what made her frustrated.  His fingers played with her until her panting became harsh and she pleaded for release.   Staring into her eyes, he saw how they lit up as she reached her climax, he vowed never to let her go from his side. 

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