Ch19 • Turn Tables

Start from the beginning

"What?!" I blurted out as she winced.

"Gosh Nicole. Having a bad day?"

"It's a bad day because you ruined it." I said. But as usual, she rolled her eyes and pushed the door as she went in. She sat on the couch and I also sat beside her.

"Coffee.." I didn't noticed she had two cups of starbucks on her hand as she give one to me.

I reached for the coffee and sip on it. Good thing she brought me coffee for my hangover, or else she'll deal with the beastmode Bella today.

"Why did you left early? Are you with Seth?" She asked as she raised her brows.

"Nope.." I said popping the p. My eyes were on the coffee because I didn't want to see her reaction. She's very overreacting you know.

"Talk to me Nicole.." She calmly said.

I took a deep breath and told her what happened last night. Seth's reaction was not surprised either. Seems like he's okay with the divorce. He's not begging me not to leave him anymore. And I didn't like it.

"You're so stupid," she commented.

"Excuse me?"

"You're so stupid to push the divorce shit! He loves you very much but you just threw him away like that!" Great! She'll be nagging again. "Well, I can say good for him. He doesn't deserve you anyway.." She added.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I didn't like the words that were coming out of her mouth. And as much as it hurts me, she's my sister! How could she say such things like that?!

"Brianna, you know how much I was hurt --"

"I know.. It's a stupid mistake that we didn't hear his explanation. And it's stupid that you ran away." She interrupted what I was saying. Now I'm the bad guy here?

"How could you say such things?"

She sighed. Probably tired of talking to me. "Whatever! It's your life if you want to be miserable."

I tried so hard to be happy, but why is it that they think I'm miserable?! Gosh! Brianna's making my head ache!

"Come on.. Prep up. Take a bath and get dressed." She said after a few.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"Just do it.. I'll see you in thirty.." She said then left. And what? Thirty minutes? I don't think I could prep in half an hour! She's a swiftie!

After an hour, I just finished. Gosh! I did what I should as fast as I can. Brianna came ten minutes before the thirty minute time she told me. And there she goes, nagging all the time.

"You're such a snail," she said as we were here in the car. She's driving to-- I don't even have any idea where we're going.

"Ew Brie.. Where are we going anyways?"

"Restaurant.." She thriftily said. She didn't even said what resto. So I decided to get my phone to browse while she was driving but then she pulled over the car.

"We're here..." She said.

That fast?!

I put back my phone to my sling purse as we went out the car. We met with the total divas there. Trin, Foxy, Nattie, Cath, Eva and even Renee are here.

"Hey girls!"

"Hi Bellas!"

"Nikki! Great comeback match! You rock girl!" Cath exclaimed and I thanked her.

I also did realize that I was teamed up with the heels last night. Anyways..

"Nicole.. We haven't seen you after the match last night? Where were you?" Nattie asked.  "Brie said you talked to Seth?"

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