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Beyoncé's POV
"Yes, but that weekend is my Honeymoon. We can do the first weekend of next month...."
"But even if it was that weekend you'd have to wait a good two weeks before I get a song for you...."

"I'm doing the best I can, it takes-" GCO
"Look Kanye, if you want a song by that time then go to Jay, or some other writer. I have no songs for you and I won't have any songs for you." Jaden said sternly.

We were trying to watch a movie when Kanye called Jaden's personal phone demanding she write him a new single in three days. Does this man even write? It takes at least two weeks to get a decent song out, but a single?... In three days? Hell no.

"No, you're disrespecting me. I can't just pull a decent song out of my ass. I don't normally write rap music anyway..." She said angrily.

"Well then go talk to Jay, I'm not gonna let you disrespect me. Trust me... I am no bitch, your wife is." She said before hanging up. I was so shocked because hearing Jaden curse outside of having sex is still rare to this day.
She blew her breath while running her hands down her face. She looked like she wanted to fight the next person to piss her off.

"Baby, come here." I said with my arms open. She hesitated but crawled up to me from the foot of the bed, where she was sitting.
"You okay?" I asked, she just needs to tell someone what's bothering her.
"I'm fine." She said, sounding more like she was trying to convince herself. Her head was on my chest and she was staring at the black tv screen.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, rubbing her scalp.
"I'm a fucking human... I'm not trying to be a bitch but when someone is being hard headed and ignorant I'm bound to be rude. I have a life outside of writing now and a lot of my artists don't get that." She rambled. I didn't interrupt her or put my two cents in, I just listened and brushed her hair.
"And then with Ciara and Chris being investigated... its like I'm stuck in a twilight zone. All that happens on that planet is me getting raped, I just want to be left alone. But I can't." She sighed.

I kissed the top of her head before sliding down lower. We were now face to face with each other and she wouldn't look me in the eyes.
"What else is bothering you?" I asked softly.
"Is he gonna arrest them? Or are they gonna finding us?" She said below a whisper.
"Baby, I-" GCO
"I want the truth." She said sternly yet quietly.
"I don't know." I said honestly.

She nodded her head and turned over, I know she's not mad.. just scared. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my face in her hair. She was just about to fall asleep when Ky came running in the room.
"Mommy! Mama! Z and I learned Mommy's dance to her song!" She yelled, excited.
"Really baby!?" Jaden popped up hella fast.
"Yeah! It's the single ladies because Z and I are single. You and mommy can't do it though, y'all married." She said.

I swear she sounds more and more like Jaden everyday, man. I really love this kid and she's only five. I have plenty of time to watch her grow.
"We can't?" Jaden pretended to pout with her lip out.
"Nope!" Ky said, popping the 'p'.
"But don't be sad mama! You can sing with mommy. You're both really good at that!" She smiled, making Jaden and I smile.

We got out of bed and walked into the living room where Z was waiting for us.
"Ready!?" Ky asked, looking at all of us. We all nodded.
"5! 6! 5..6..7..8!" She said as Jaden started singing.

Jaden, Ky, Z, and I were in the living room watching a movie. Both the girls fell asleep with Ky on top of Z. I looked down at Jaden and grabbed her face. She seemed confused before I kissed her, she kissed back and smiled.

"Whatchu doin'?" She asked, letting her ghetto side show.
"You hella ghetto." I laughed. She laughed before playfully pushing me. When the laughter died down she rested her head on my chest and started talking. It was sending vibrations to my boobs, down my spine.

"Babe, I love you." She smiled up at me.
"I love y-" The phone rang, cutting me off.
"Damn, can't even say I love you before someone calls." She laughed. She picked up the phone and smiled.

"Hi Idris...."
"Yes, I'm doing good. You?..."
"Oh yeah, she's right here..." She said before handing me the phone.
"Hello Idris." I smiled.
"Hello Beyoncé, I wanted to let you know that both are in custody. But normally I have my patient talk to them. Get everything off their chest." He said, making me freeze.

"Can I talk to Chris? I-He used to be my, uh, best friend." I said, reluctantly.
"If that's what you'd like... come by 5:30 and I can make sure both of you talk to them."
"Thank you."
"No problem, one question though... Did you know the two are married? To each other for 6 years?" He asked.
"No, I didn't. That's, um... wow." I blew my breath.

"What babe?" Jaden asked. I put my finger up and stood behind the couch. Jaden sat with her feet under her butt facing me with a small pout.
"I was surprised myself, I have a thought that it could've been planned from the beginning. They both expressed that you, and I quote, 'Fucked up the plan.' But I hope to see you both here."
"We'll meet you there, thanks Idris." I said before hanging up.

"What'd he say babe? I don't like when you treat me like a kid." She pouted. I flicked her lip after laughing at her pout.
"You act like one. Now go get ready, we need to go meet Idris." I half lied.
"For what? Are they in custody?" She asked, getting off the couch.
"Are you in custody?" I laughed as she walked on her tip toes as if she was sneaking around.

She laughed before flipping my bottom lip.
"No." She smiled, focusing on my lip. I eased closer to her, which she hadn't noticed since she was so occupied with my lip.

"Not yet anyway." I smiled before chasing her upstairs....

She makes me feel like a little kid again. She makes me happy again.

Ciara is in custody with Chris...

Bey and J are happy...

And next chapter is the last for this book....

The wedding and Honeymoon chapter...

See what I did there?😏😂

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